Chapter 1

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It's a dark cloudy night. For miles, all you could see were happy humans and monsters celebrating a joyful year. Happiness filled the air.

A dark hooded figure hid behind the building named Grillbys. It moved to look towards a Sans with a scarf. It swiftly moved and pulled this Sans away from the crowd covering his mouth muffling his screams.

The hooded figure took the Sans behind the restaurant before unmasking himself.

He took of his hood and showed the Sans his infamous smile.
Fresh: What up my radical broski?

Sans: Who are you?
Fresh: I'm you friendly neighborhood brotastical Fresh bruh.

Fresh takes his hand out of his pocket for the Sans to shake.
The Sans is weary at first,but hesitantly decides to shake his hand.

Fresh quickly takes off his shades revealing a parasite on the inside of his skull. The Sans panics, trying to get away, but Fresh's grip is too strong.
All Sans can do is watch frightenedly as the parasite leaves the colorful skeleton's skull, slowly going up his arm into his left eyesocket.

The skeleton that was once there griping his wrist, was now dust and all that was there was the poor Sans, inflicted with pain as the parasite took control of him.

Fresh: Ah yeah broksi. I feel radical.

Fresh said as he got adjusted to his new host.

Fresh: Cool! This one has a scarf!

Fresh thought for a minute before realizing-

Fresh:I'm late to the castle. Whelp Error bruh is gonna be mad

And with that, Fresh teleported away.


261 words

Fresh Gltiches (maid fresh x master Error)Where stories live. Discover now