"How the hell did you get that?" Your voice broke midsentence, and he gloated in the fear that was boiling slowly inside of you. It's okay, Sam and Dean will find you.

"Well let's say it was hell to get it." He snickered at his terrible pun, shifting the blade from hand to hand, "Shouldn't you be asking how I know of you? There's what...five other people, who know what you are?
Well," He paused, "A couple more now. The guy you started crushing on? What do you people call it when that happens? A spark?" You glared at him, wishing the ropes weren't restricting your powers.

"When Sam and Dean find you - "

"Sam and Dean," He interrupted, "Are on a wild goose chase for other creatures that aren't here. (Y/N) I'm very professional, I know how to cover my tracks. Something you and your brothers should work on. How many times do you all get kidnapped? And died for the public to stop chasing you?"

You rolled your eyes, though he had a point. And had one of the few things that could kill you pressing against your skin. Tonight was not your night.


"So sweet little Ms. (Y/N)," You looked up from your feet as much you could, glaring with every fibre in your body, blood trickling down various places on your body, "Are you going to agree yet? Or do I
need to persuade you more?"

You gathered up your strength, shifting your arms and wincing, "F - Fuck you."

He sighed, wiping your blood off of the blade, the sunlight shining through some cracks on the boards, reflecting off and hitting your eye. "I'll die before I agree."

"I'm afraid you're correct there Ms. (Y/N)."


You weren't very coherent of time or anything other than the pulsing pain rocketing through your body. So when the door was bust down you really didn't know. You didn't notice any of the people being held against the walls, you weren't aware of the blood trickling down your face, you hadn't experienced pain like this in years. Soft hands reeled you in, cupping your face and lifting it gently, (E/C) eyes meeting soft hazel brown ones, squinting as you realized the person was talking.

" - (Y/N), can you hear me?"

Your mouth parted, brain running slower, "Stiles?"

He smiled a bit, relief washing over his body, you weren't that out of it, that's good. "Yeah hey. Your brothers are as scary as hell."

You squinted, "Sam and Dean...? Are they - ?" You lifted your head more, eyes scanning the room. You saw the demon laid on the ground, clutching his arm where a clear bullet was lodged in. Demon
trap carved into a bullet hole. Brilliant idea from yours truly.

Your brain was struggling to match names with faces, but with the number of people there, you could tell Stiles' friends from his house that night - the night before? - were there, hairier than you remember, and you saw two bodies making their way towards you. Sam and Dean! You felt yourself drop, arms wrapped around you as you were lowered to the ground, rubbing your wrists softly and your brain started
functioning better.

"(Y/N)," You heard the worry in Dean's voice, "Are you okay?" A painful nod was all he got, though it didn't take a genius to know you were lying.

"No, you're not. What the hell happened? Why aren't you healing?" You pointed to where the blade was laid on the ground, blood staining it and the ground it was laid on. Stiles walked over, picking it up,
and you felt the air thicken as if every atom were then pressing against you, and you sucked in harshly, biting on your lip to keep you from screaming. Since it had gotten your blood on it it's reached its full potential, and it just being near you would cause you physical pain. Sam seemed to realize as he quickly learned you on Dean, grabbing the dagger and rushing it outside, throwing it without
looking and coming back. Stiles had looked scared when Sam had run towards him, but now that the dagger was gone looked confused.

"How did he - ?"

You shook your head, "He wouldn't say. I didn't know until he started," Torturing you, it didn't need to be said, "It was clean, pure. It got my blood on it and I can't be in the same room as it now."

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." Dean stood, holding the demon blade and you reached out, despite a few cuts opening wider and Sam's protest.

"Dean no!"

"Why the hell not?"

"Yeah, not your number one fan but he did kidnap and torture you, not to mention he's a demon so shouldn't he be exterminated?" Lydia spoke up, and you glanced at her, shaking your head.

"Dean, think about it. He knew how to hurt me." You saw understanding cross his face, "He knew what I was. You, Sam, Cas, Bobby and Crowley were the only ones who knew. I need to know how he

"Someone told please just kill the demon!" Stiles said, voice raising as he waved his arms at the demon who was watching with a raised eyebrow.

You stood up, keeping pressure to the cut along your side, leaning on Sam for support. "Dean," You pleaded, "We don't know if he told anyone else. You know no one else can know." You glanced worriedly at the others in the room, realizing now they too knew. Or partly.

He paused for a few moments, before nodding, "Do you want to or should I?" He held the knife to you.

You looked down at your hands, then back up at him. "They are otherwise occupied. I do have questions though."

"Yeah so do we." You were startled at the gruff voice, seeing an older man standing, arms crossed as he glared at you. Man he and Dean could have a glare down party.

"What the hell are you?"

Sam and Dean shared that worried brother looks over your head, one you were so used to and one that wasn't as subtle as they thought. You sucked in a deep breath, "I'm a witch." You saw the shock
on everyone's face, hearing Dean groan at the fact you just blurted it out, "And the most powerful one to ever have lived and ever to live."

- A/N -


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