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Authors note:

Not every meaning will be used in my book, it's a standard line I place up on every chapter in every book so it's easy for me to remember 😏😘

/mindlink to Yugi/, \mindlink to Atem-Yami\, Letters, Texting, songs, ❤lemons❤, ^^time skip^^, POV, *meanings*, Dreams, Phone calls, Flashbacks.

Sadly the characters of Yu-gi-oh don't belong to me, they belong to Kazuki Takahshi😭, but the story's under the username Thirza-1984 belong to me🤩

Remember to vote and comment this chapter, thank you Sweetie's 😘😘😘


Nine months ago I learned I got pregnant, and now I am laying in a hospital bed, Atem has an operation grown on and is batting the sweat off my forehead.

The baby is in trouble, and because I'm to exhausted, they must use a caesarean section to get the baby out.

We both decided we didn't wand to know the gender until the little one was born, the only thing we both decided was even it's a boy or a girl the baby's name is going to be Heba, the Egyptian version of my name.

"Hold on baby, just a little longer and we can hold our baby kitten."

"Atem, if they go out with the baby, please let me be?"

"No baby, mom goes after the baby, I'm not losing you."

"Were is mom?"

"Outside the surgery room, don't worry, grandma takes care of her first grandchild."

"Okay, you will feel a little bit of pulling now." the doctor says, "And the baby is born, a baby boy, congratulations."

The doctor shows our baby boy, the little guy doesn't agree and screams the lungs out his small body.

He already has hear, black and blond, and the tips are a mix between crimson and amethyst.

The doctor give Heba at the nurses, they clean him up, and after they bring him to Amara.

They close my wound, and after they bring me to the room to rest.

1) From nothing to loveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu