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Danny's POV

Hi, I'm Danny Fenton. I was once a normal teenager, but then my parents build a portal, not just any portal, a ghost portal. When they finished it, they started the portal but it didn't work, so I told my friends and they went with me to see the portal. Sam, a friend of mine, insisted me to check out the inside, I put one of the hazmat suit and went in the portal. Once I inside, I tripped and pressed the on button. Yeah, stupid, right? How stupid can a person be to put the button inside a machine? Well, once I pressed the button, the portal not just electrocuted, it fused my DNA with ectoplasm. Once I woke up from my unconscious state, I had white hair and toxic green eyes. I realised I was a ghost, but I was also human. After the incident, my friends and sister helped me saved Amity Park from ghosts from the Ghost Zone. We earned allies and enemies.

3 years later, I turned 17 years old. My appearance changed, I was once puny and weak, now I have a muscular build, I grew taller, I learned new languages, I became athletic and smarter. I still missed my classes because of ghost attacks, day and night. It was frustrating. Especially Skulker and Box Ghost, they are the most annoying ghosts ever! Just thinking about the two makes me want to blast my whole house down. Because of ghost attacks, day and night, I tend to miss or skip my classes.

My friends, sister and I learned some secrets from us, I learned that I'm not related to the Fentons nor Jazz. I was adopted, actually, kidnapped, because there was no proof of adoption papers. Jazz and I only found my birth certificate and my last name wasn't Fenton, it was Grayson. Before I needed my certificate, I had been having dreams where I was in a circus with trapeze artists and two young boys, one was older than us, me and the other boy, who I think looked like me. So, I have been researching who I really am. In conclusion, I'm the son of the late Flying Graysons. I had two brothers, if I remember correctly. Their names were Richard who prefers to be called Dick or Robin or Dickie Bird by me. The other one who was my twin, Dameon or Dame or Dammy-kins. While I was called Dan, Danny-kins, Little Phantom or just Danny. My full name is Daniel James Grayson.

Moving on to one of my best friends, Sam, she was kidnapped by Pamela and Jeremy Manson. We know that her real parents were botanist and nature lovers, we know her mother's alive and we know her father's dead. That was the most saddest moment of her life, she really broke down. We didn't know what to do, but give her space. After a week, we researched her family. They were once famous, an accident happened. A experiment went wrong and only survivor was Sam's real mother, Sierra Mills and her late father, Naoki Mills and her real name is Sapphira Violeta Sage Mills. We started calling her Sage, when we found out. Then something occurred, she started having ghost powers. We taught it was just a one day thing, but it occurred again. We went to see Frostbite and he said, Sam had ghost ectoplasm. After that, we started experimenting and she started fighting beside me. Her appearance was changed but her colour scheme stayed, but she added blue to it. She started wearing long sleeves, leggings or pants and knee high combat boots. Because of the attacks we wore long sleeves to hide our scars. We didn't know how ectoplasm got into Sage's bloodstream but she called herself Amaryllis, when we found out about how ectoplasm got into her DNA. It was because of Undergrowth, once we learned that, she added Undergrowth to her name.

Meanwhile, with Tucker, he knew that he wasn't a Foley. His real name was Troy Smith. He was taken from his hometown and was brought to Amity Park.

And last, but not least, Jazz, she was taken from the Thomas'. Her real name is Jasmine Maria-Rose Ognats. Long names for girls, I know. It's annoying. Even though, we aren't relatives, we still love each other, blood related or not.

Tucker's appearance change a bit, he stopped wearing his hat, cut his hair, then changed his outfit, instead of long sleeved yellow shirt, it was more of a red shirt and a leather jacket, he changed his green cargo pants for denim pants and changed his brown boots for flat black combat boots and sometimes changes it to black sneakers.

While with Jazz, she changed her black long sleeved v-neck shirt for white tank top and black leather jacket, changed her aqua pants for leggings, red and sometimes black, flat shoes to combat boots.

I didn't quite explain my look. Since I had a lot of scars and bruises. I wear long sleeves most of the time. Red shirt and black leather jacket, changed my jeans for pants or something to run with easily and combat boots. My ghost half changed to, I wasn't wearing a Hazmat suit anymore. I had to two ghost form, one is a royal attire and two was for combat.

Since I, now, know I have a family who will care for me. My friends and I plus Jazz went on a vacation for 5 months or more. We searched for our family. I found out mine lives in Gotham City and was adopted by Bruce Wayne, a famous and rich billionaire. Pretty cool, I know, but I already know stuff like this. Billionaire, mansion, secret hideout and secret identity. C'mon, it's obvious that this Bruce guy has many secrets to keep from people not me. We asked around where lived and we were directed to a big mansion. We saw five boys walk out of the mansion. We hid using invisibility, mine and Sam's. We heard them talking about a vacation. We didn't know where, because they didn't mention.

After Gotham, we went to Central City where Jazz's family is. A year or two ago, Jazz said she saw the world moving too slow or that she was moving too fast. A week later, we witnessed that she was running all over the place. Literally, running all over the place. We helped her control it, she and Sam even made her a costume, Tuck has a costume too. When we were in Central City, we heard some teens talk about how the Flash saved the city from a villain named Trickster who tried to bomb the city hall. We asked them who the flash is and what he looks like. They said he was a meta-human who saves Central City, he wears a red with yellow trim jumpsuit is what they described it. We, then, heard some screaming from the distance and ran towards it. We saw a man with a gun, a cold gun. He was in front of a museum, probably to still something valuable. Then, a flash of red streak came into view, it was like how Jazz looked like when she was running, a blur. Her nickname is XS, her suit is like a leather/textile combo suit. I couldn't just stand there, my obsession is to save people so I transform somewhere I couldn't be seen and helped. After that, I talked with the Flash and said my friend had the same powers as him so I showed him to Jazz. He took us to an abandoned lab. It was called Star Labs. We met new people and they helped my sister.

After Central City, we went to Metropolis, where Sage's mother is. If you're thinking, oh, Danny and Sam are together, think again. I'm gay and already have been seeing someone, who is also a hero, yes. We met online and no one knows about him. We met in metropolis when I was 15. After that, we just kind of clicked together. I showed him my ghost half and he didn't brush me away, it was the first time someone outside my family accepted me. It made me happy, I showed him the Ghost Zone too and I was 16 then. We've been dating for about 2 and a half years. Alright, back to Sage. We looked for Sage's mother and found her house. We rung the doorbell and said to her, we found her missing daughter. She was very happy and cried out of happiness. Sage and her mother bonded for awhile before we left for National City where Tuck's parents are. Same progress like Sage's. We found our family, except for Jazz, we only found help with her powers and what she is.

Well, I hope you guys now know what our life is now. In my opinion, It's turning out amazing. I love my family.


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