Chapter 1: Where it all begins...again

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(3rd pov)

The Burrow is in full swing Molly, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Angelina, Fleur, and Hermione are all bustling around the kitchen trying to make sure everything is prepared for the monthly get together. Harry, Ron, Arthur, George, Bill, and Charlie are Clue with a few of there kids as teammates. Cassiopeia, Lily Luna, Rose, and Teddy are dancing to Jail House Rock on Just Dance 4. As the songs comes to an end Cassiopeia's phone rings. The screen lights up with a picture of a vintage Captain America trading card.

"Hey, I'm stepping out for a minute I promise I'll be right back to kick your butts again," Cas laughs as the other three roll their eyes and steps out into the front yard.

"Hey Phil what's up?"

"We need you in."

"Wait now? i'm kinda in the middle of a family get together, you know how important these are, I can't just leave."

"I know, that's why I'll be picking you up tomorrow morning with Captain America so that you can still enjoy your family dinner."

"Why, what's happened that could be so important?"

"The tesseract has been taken and Barton's been compromised."


"I'll see you tomorrow Cas."

"Ok, try not to freak the captain out with all of your fangirling on the way please."

"I regret ever telling you that."

"Love you too Phil." 

As Cas steps back into the house Molly's voice rings throughout it, "Dinner's ready." Everyone begins to congregate around the dinner table Cas taking her spot in between Harry and George. One big happy family.

{Time Skip}

As everyone began drifting away from the table Harry took the opportunity to pull Cas aside.

"Hey, what was the call about?"

"Coulson called they're calling me in."

"Already, you've barely started your vacation, what could possibly be that important?"

"They're enacting the Avengers Initiative and Barton's been compromised."

"That bad huh?"

"Yeah, but as soon as it's all over I'll be back here to finish out the rest of my leave."

"Ok, when do you ship out?"

"Tomorrow morning they'll pick me up, so at least I can finish out the family dinner."

"Is Coulson the one picking you up again?"


"Do you have his care package put together yet or do you want some help?"

"I've got most of it done thanks to George and Molly but I still need some candy from Hogsmeade before it's complete. If you want to join me for a trip to Honey-duke's that would be great."

"Sure, let's go before anyone notices we're gone."

With that Cas and Harry apparated away. As the sun began to set, nobody knew that when it rose again it would be the start of a very long several years. Filled with love, hate, friendship, and sorrow. The endgame is close, closer than anyone ever thought.


The first chapter is done, yay. I've been very excited to start writing on Wattpad so I'm very excited for this. See ya!


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