Nether world

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Previously on Yugioh 5Ds

"You can bring that beast back again?!" Roman said shocked "that's right Roman, and now he's going to attack with Dark Majestic Moon Burst!" I Yelled


The bridge broke, me and Yusei started falling "Grab the wire!" Trudge Yelled

"No Luna,Yusei!"

~now onto the story~

"Urgh...What happened? Star?" I Said as I saw I was on stars back "your safe now Milady, but we need to help Yusei" M.Star Dragon said

"W...where is her?" I Asked "I don't know, can you try and sense his dragon?" Star Asked, I felt my dark Mark burn "Carly...her duels starting" I Said as my arm burned

Star landed and I stepped in the ground, I then heard a voice "why did you send me here sister.." said a female voice, my eyes widened "E...Eclipse..." I Said

"It's all your fault..." Said another voice, I looked around seeing all of my family here " can I let this happen...I'm's all my fault!" I Yelled as I fell on my knees.

"Don't listen, it's just and illusion Milady!" Star Yelled, but I couldn't hear Star all I could here was my family saying it was my fault.

"Luna!" Yelled a voice "mom..." I said a I turned around "Yusei needs you my dear, please open your eyes and see there is no one here but us and star" my mother said, I closed my eyes and opened them seeing only star.

"Star, take me to Yusei." I Said as I hopped on her back

~time skip~

"Yusei! Yusei were are you?!" I Yelled as i kept looking, I then heard someone call for help "Yusei...what in the...What are those things?!" I Asked as I flew closer.

"These things...there the people from Zero Reverse...oh no...Yusei!" I Yelled as I jumped down

I saw Yusei getting pulled down into the nether world "stand down of lost spirits to the nether world. It is not yet this ones time" Said a voice, as they disappeared

"Yusei!" I yelled running towards him, but he was suddenly lifted up "yusei~ there is still much for you and your friend to do back in the satellite sector." The voice said

"Who is that?" I Asked "someone not to be questioned" the voice said as a light shined to bright

~time skip~

I could hear someone calling my name telling my to wake up "urgh...what...what happened?" I Asked as I sat up, I looked around seeing I was in a room full of darkness

"Where am I? And what's that light?" I Asked as I covered my eyes a little, I got up and went towards the light.

"A dead end..." I Said "Not quite my princess" Said a male voice "who are you...and where am I?" I Asked

"You don't remember me? You don't remember your father?" Said the man, my eyes widened as my fathers spirit appeared "but I thought..."

"Listen Luna, we don't have much time. Dr.Fudo is already telling his son this so listen carefully. There is still much you need to do in the satellite sector." My father said

"Wait a minute! What do you even mean?" I Asked "my little princess, you are destined for something great, something that'll save the world from the Army Of Shadows. But before that can start, you must rise and become the person you are meant to be!" My father said as he started fading

"Wait don't leave! How did I get my Signer marks? Was I born with them?!" I Asked as I ran towards him "you must find that out yourself my dear, I must take my leave. Be brave my princess and save the world from the darkness..." my father said as he faded away.

I big light appeared the blinded me

~time skip~

"Hey lu, it's time to wake up" Said a voice, I opened my eyes seeing Yusei and the others "Yusei...what happened?" I Asked "I don't exactly know, but you okay?" Yusei Asked

"Kinda...I mean my mark is Burning like crazy" I Said as I put my hand over my arm "lets get a move on. We need to seal the last two towers by sunset, or else the king of the nether world will resurrect" Yusei Said

"Urgh...what's this power...Yusei...take a step back please..." I Said as I held my arm tighter "what's happening?" Leo Asked

"Head towards the exit now! I'll be fine just go!" I Yelled "we can't just leave you!" Leo said "do you want to see me in my dark form?! I need to protect you all, just head towards jack okay. I'll be right behind you!" I Yelled

"Alright, don't turn evil on us" Yusei Said as they all headed towards the exit, I felt something leave my deck, I looked seeing my Majestic Dragon and Red were gone.

"It's time to shine Jack free Carly.." I said as my Dark Mark stopped glowing so bright "Alrighty then, Star help me out!" I Yelled as I summoned Star.

"Ready to fly Milady?" Star Asked, I nodded my head and jumped on its back "hey Yusei! I'm going on ahead to see what's happening up there!" I Yelled "be careful Alright!" Yusei Yelled as I nodded my head.

As I flew up I only saw the duel end wit Jack as the winner "land me here Star" I Said as my dragon landed.

I saw that both my monsters were back into my deck "the duels over...but Jack lost someone that cared for him...this is all basically my fault..." I Said as tears started to fall

"Don't say that Milady, you only did the best you can, theres a way to make that mark of yours disappear. We'll need to find an old friend of yours that's been turned into a shadow pawn" Star Said

"I'll do whatever it take for me to get rid of this Mark!" I Yelled, I looked behind me seeing Crow and the others made it out.

"There's only one sector left...this'll be the most difficult one to seal, I just hope Aki can win...if not then Satellite and New Domino will be covered in darkness"

Yugioh 5Ds (Yusei Fudo X Luna Galaxy Heart)Where stories live. Discover now