The dicison

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Everyone was still wondering if they should do it or not, I know I wanted to do it but if the others don't help then we're all doomed *what if my siblings are now pawns of darkness...what'll I do...I can't duel them*

I was still thinking about my siblings, I looked over at Yusei seeing something was up "poor Yusei...he's still thinking of Kalin and how he was almost sent to the nether world..." I Said with a worried tone

"Seems like we have almost all the signers with us, but I doubt Atlas is going to join" Said M.Red dragon *your right red, but we can't do this without him.*

"Hey Yusei, wanna have a practice duel?" Luna asked "not fight now, I need some time alone Luna" Yusei said walking away, I became worried for him "why don't you go talk to him, maybe he just needs someone to talk to" Said M.Star Dragon

"I don't think nows the right time, I better leave him alone for awhile" I Said getting up and heading outside

When I was outside, my mind was clouded about me being a dark signer, I punched the ground in anger "this isn't your fault, they chose you because of what happened between you and Akiza" Said M.Rose Dragon

"I know...but I'm basically going to have to betray them, and I don't wanna Betty Yusei, I care for him and his friends. They wouldn't forgive me if they knew I was a Dark Signer" I Said

I sighed and looked at the sky, tears started coming down my face *Crystal...Eclipse...Sapphire...Sky...please I can't lose you four, your all I have left of a family*

I looked over where the pond was and saw Jack and Yusei talking, I saw Jack grab his coat collar and brought him up to his face then he punched him.

I was shocked that Jack punched him in the gut "that wasn't a good idea...I just hope hit wound didn't open" Said M.Star Dragon, I didn't say anything Star knew something was up.

I just stood there watching Jack hit Yusei one more time "this isn't good for Yusei's wound..." I whispered, I decided to take a walk. I didn't deserve to talk to Yusei and the others anymore, so I decided to stay quiet when I'm around them.

I wondered into a beautiful garden "this's reminds me of when I had my siblings with me..." I Said smiling while tears came upon my face "I can't do this...I can't save the world with them! I be near them!" I Yelled "hey Luna!" Yelled a voice, I turned seeing Yusei. I quickly whipped my tears away and stared at the flowers

"Are you okay?" Yusei Asked walking towards me, I didn't say anything to him all I did was nod my head "I know something's up Lu, you can tell me." Yusei Said "I'm worried Yusei...I'm worried for my siblings and my two cousins" I Said

"I'm scared that they were absorbed...or they were turned into a pawn of the shadows...I won't be able to duel them, if they are Pawns now" I Said, I felt Yusei put a hand on my shoulder "I know you scared. I am to, I'm still shaken up after that duel I had with Kalin. But we all will be there for you, Signer or not we're your friends" Yusei Said

I turned around and faced Yusei "I don't deserve to be a signer! I didn't do anything heroic to become one! I don't even have any special powers! All I have left is my runner and my deck! And this stupid mark on my eye! I won't be able to do this Yusei, I won't be able to fight along side you all. I'll just slow you down if I do" I Said

"You won't be slowing us down Lulu" Said a voice "Akiza..."

"Where's the brave friend I had when we were kids? Where did she run off to?" Akiza Asked as she walked towards me and Yusei "that brave side left, the only Luna here is the scared one" I said looking away "Lulu, we can't do this without you. Your the fifth signer, if we don't have all signers with us then the whole world will become darkness" Akiza Said

"She's right lu, you have to protect your family. And the only way to do that is by defeating the dark signers. So are you going to come with us, or are you going to stay?" Yusei Asked holding out his hand.

I smiled and looked at Yusei and Akiza "you two are good at convincing people, so I'm in!" I Said taking Yusei's hand "now let's head back to the others" Akiza Said walking off "I bet she wanted you to walk with Yusei alone my dear, I mean she does know about you having a crush on him" Said M.Star Dragon.

*even if we do defeat every dark signer, they'll have to face me and my Earthbound snake...and I wish I can get rid of this Dark mark before that happens*

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