Duel Against A Dark Signer And A Cousin Part:1

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We were all still on the helicopter heading to the satellite "I hope we can save your sisters and cousins Luna, there the only family you have left." Said M.Star Dragon *I know, I'm going to do whatever it takes to bring them back*

I was thinking of what Goodwin said back at the landing pad "I thought you knew about the reactor Luna?" M.Red dragon said *i only new that they've been working on it, I didn't know they built it!*

"You seem to be in the know, what's the whole story behind the whole reactor thing?" Akiza Asked "they called the incident Zero Reverse, a massive energy reactor being built by a group known as the RRD malfunction. And released a powerful charge of negative energy. That's what separated the satellite from new domino city. The head of the reactor research division, the one in charge of the reactor of the project was Yusei's father" Mina said

"Wow! So if that was your dads project, what happened him when in negative emerged and stuff?" Leo Asked "uh...don't be dense what do you think happened" Luna said, I looked at Yusei's face seeing he was thinking about something.

"Go back a bit, why would they put some no one from satellite in charge of an important project?" Trudge Asked "Yusei and his dad were born in Domino city" Jack said "so are you saying that this satellite reject isn't really a satellite reject?!" Grudge Asked "I was born in the satellite trudge, got a problem with that?!" Jack said

"Uh no...of course not" Said trudge turning around "that's right, Turn around" Jack said "say uh...is this lighting bothering anyone else? One strike and were finished, I'm think we should Then the bird around" trudge Said "our primary directed us to reach satellite!" Mina said

Yusei than put a hand on trudges shoulder "set us down near the building in the park" Yusei Said as she pointed "do as he says!" Mina said, trudge growled but followed Yusei's orders and brought us down to the building.

When we landed I recognized that the house was Martha's, the door opened revealing all of us "it's Yusei!" Blister Said "and jack! Oh look at you Jackie boy!" Martha said "hi Martha" Jack said

"I can't believe how big you've gotten!" Martha said "well it has been quite the while since I've left you know..." jack said looking away "do that thing you used to do, that adorable little prince routine" Martha said, I started laughing at what Martha said

Jack then got down on one knee "greetings of fair maiden, May this prince kiss your hand" jack said as he kissed Martha's hand. I giggled when jack did that

"You're such a sweet little boy!" Martha said as she hugged him tight
"Martha...I..can't...breathe!" Jack said, I saw he kids go to Yusei. I was glad that they didn't. Get hurt

"Luna Luna! Your back!" Yelled one of the kids "hehe...how ya been Susie, you haven't gotten into any trouble when I was gone have you?" I teased "I never get into trouble mother Luna!" Susie pouted

I felt some weird energy all around satellite, I then saw one of the kids talking to officer trudge "so Martha, things sure seem quiet around here" Yusei Said

I saw Martha's face go into a sad look "that's because the fogs taken everyone" Martha said.


"Yesterday a strange black fog appeared out of no where, and descended on the down town area of satellite. And when it cleared, all most everyone who got caught in the fog was gone" Martha said

"What do you mean?" Yusei Asked "They vanished, they just weren't there anymore. Fortunately the fog didn't come here so we were safe, but I'm afraid of everyone else" martha Said

"We haven't seen or heard anything from Rally, Tank, Nerve, and Blitz or Crow since this happened" Blister Said "seriously!" Yusei Said shocked "I'm worried that something terrible has happened to them" Martha said

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