"He's an ass." Harry curses.

"I see dinner coming out let's go sit.'' Harry says and the waiters set down plates at all the tables. People start to sit down as Harry leads me to a table.

"You got us a table for two?" I ask looking at out small table, everyone else is sitting at big circle tables. With around eight people at each table. Ours is off to the side, closer to the stage.

"I don't want to talk to my family here, or even really the people I really like. I just want to talk to you so, table for two." Harry gestures sweetly to our table. We both sit and watch the waiters work their way around.

"Your speech is soon." I tell him as he bumps his knee up and down making his whole body shake.

"Yeah, I am regret having to do a speech." He says wanting to back out.

"Don't be nervous, you'll do fine." I say calming him.

"I know that, I don't have any fear of public speaking. I just don't want to go up their and talk about my mom to a room full of people that didn't care enough to stay." He say making a point.

"Just keep thinking, it's what your mom would have wanted." I say, telling him a line he told me. I remember coming to his dorm when he was freaking out about what to say in this speech.

"That's the only thing that will get me through it." He says looking me in the eyes.

The waiter sets our food down and I start to cut my chicken.

"I wouldn't expect this food to be so good." I say taking another bite.

"Yeah, same." He tells me as we eat our food.

Time passes and it gets time for Harry's speech.

"Can I just not do it, know one will notice?" Harry's asks.

"Harry, you will be fine." I assure him as his legs bounce up and down off his chair.

"I don't know why I am so scared for this." He says dazing off to the background.

"You'll do great just make sure you don't read strait off it, make eye contact to the crowed." I give him advise as he stands up from his chair.

"Emily, it's not my first time giving a speech." He groans.

"I know, I'm just reminding you.'' I said.

I stand I walk him to the stage. I rest my hands on his shoulders, with him facing me.

"You got this." I say again making him smile. I feel his heart acting fast and I can tell he's nervous. I need to get him calm, cause I know if I don't he's going to freak out up their and say something he'll regret.

My mind races of ways to calm Harry down, I stop thinking for a moment realize what works best. My lips crash hard onto his. This is the only way I got him to calm down not to long ago and I hope it will work now. That sweet vanilla comes back to me. I feel weight being lifted off my shoulders. His hand is rested on my cheek as I am the same. I want this, I want Harry. My burning passion lights in my stomach in the most satisfying way. I don't want to let go, cause I know if I do, we will return to the same old me needing space. It like I'm on a vacation, a sweet vacation for a minute, than I have to go back to my life. A life at the moment that's not fully with Harry.

He pauses for a moment taking in everything that just happen, as I do the same. "What was that for?" He questions

"You seemed nervous so I kissed you to calm you down.'' I say.

"You kissed me though?" He asks.

"Yeah, I know." I say to him.

"Well, your calm know." I say making my point. He thinks I kissed him to calm him down, when I really just missed his lips on mine. I did want him to be more calm, but I mostly just needed to kiss him. To know what it's like to be his for a few seconds.

"You always calm me down when you do that. You always take my breath away." He says soft his hand is on my cheek and I know if I stay like this any longer I will give in. I take his breath away?

"Harry, go give your speech." I say slow in reality not on that vacation anymore.

He doesn't say anything, he just turns around again and walks onto the stage. Leaving me waiting over here. I walk back to the table we were just siting at.

"May I have everyone's attention." Harry announces, everyone turns and faces Harry and starts to pay attention to what he is about to say. He looks over at me and I send him a smile.

"Thanks for coming today, to this memorial. Well it's the only thing you went to." Harry's voice grows low and I hear a few whispers at some tables. At least he thanked him like I asked him too.

"My mom was an astonishing women, she cared way too much for people that didn't care about her enough to help." He says and clears his throught. I can see some people faces fall as they hear what he has to say. Harry finally tells them how he feels about them, and I can tell he need this. Even though it will hurt everyone in the audience.

///Thanks for reading, sorry for it not showing up!! Love you all!//

AlwaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora