About The Boy

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Later on, the little boy was still in shock and he walked over to Billie. "Are you? Billie Ay-lish" he spoke, Billie giggled. "Sort of," she responded, the boy looked puzzled.

"Yes, i am, except it pronounced EYElish noy aylish, but its fine, most people do mess it up haha", The boy smiled at her, looking a little less confused. Then he frowned, and Bil asked him what was wrong. "I met you... thats good but my mummy ont let me listen to your music. She says its too depressing, for an 8 year old anwyay..." They both looked at the ground and carried on with another conversation. "I heard you earlier, yelling about Ariana, what did you hear about it? Oh, and what was your name?" 

"My name is Billy, but with a y not an ie. And i saw it on the news on my mummys ipad, she didnt tell me much about it though... I can go ask if you want me to? MUMMMM-" 

At that moment, Billie put a finger to both of their lips. "Its cool how we have the same name, and its fine, i was just wondering. I'm acctually a good friend of Aria-" Billy cut her off and seemed eager to respond.

"Oh, I know, your my OTP. There's this site called WattPad and i heard about some fan fiction on there and lots of people seem to ship it" 

"Wow, you're 8 and know a lot more about these ships than me, huh."

"Yup! I would show you one by CaseyThePhanGirl right now, but since i'm i hospital my mummy only lets me go on the Ipad when shes there and she probably wont come over here."

"Hm, that sounds familiar" Then she paused, and realised that people are either just casualy making up ships again OR that somehow people found out. Sweating with fear, she decided to change the subject. "So um, your mum said you cant listen to me because my music is depressing, fair enough", she then pushed aside some lyrics with a picture of a skull and continued "tell me, Billy, whats your favourite colour and favourite thing ever?"

He paused for a second, nodded and said "Pink. And my Barbie doll" She looked at him , shocked then realised she was being a bit stereotypical. "OK! I can work with that!" For some reason, even though its 2019, she thought he would say 'blue and my xbox' maybe it was the impression he was giving off.

Then she cleared her throat, and started singing in a voice that nobody had really heard Billie sing in before. "My doll, is so lovely and its pink. Its my favourite Barbie doll in my collection, oh boy it is my favourite thing to exist. I love playing with my little ittle barbie doll in my bedroom with those pretty pink walls-" Then Billy stopped her, said his walls were blue and signalled for his mother to come over. "But the thing that Billie didnt know, was that Billys walls were in fact another colour of the rainbow." They chuckled and Billys mother had to put a hand over his mouth in order t stop him from mentioning some real facts about the rainbow. She carried on singing the song then when she went over it again in her head she realised how weird it must have sounded. Billy proved a point to his mother that there is a really nice side of Billie and was now allowed to listen to her songs.

Billie Eilish X Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now