Wake up call

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Everything was black Jamie forced his eyes opened; he was flying, His teammates were all around him fighting. What were they fighting? He forced his eyes to move over to the area where his team was attacking.

He couldn't quite see what they were fighting against. It was still dark, very dark. Raindrops were heavy and cold and tinked off his armour rhythmically. Why was Khaji being so quiet, what was going on? "TEAM?" He asked through the mind link, but it was all silent. He reached up to feel his com-link, but it was missing. "GUYS?" He looked around again but now his team was gone. He was the only one surrounded by the destruction of the fight. He landed on the ground and looked at the villain who was sitting on their knees on the ground. What had happened? Where did his team go?

Suddenly the villain was in front of him grabbing his wrist. He tried to pull away, but he felt like he had no strength in his body. [Khaji?] He asked mentally but didn't receive an answer. He knew something was wrong about all of this but he felt like he was watching everything from the outside and he couldn't really control anything. He felt a sharp pain in his side and tried to pull away from the villain who had undoubtedly stabbed him. The second he pulled back the villain was gone and he was falling backwards.

Jamie jerked awake looking around frantically. He was laying on a cold bed in the med-bay. How had he gotten here, what had happened? [Khaji?] He asked mentally

{Error: Emergency Battery 7% - System in sleep mode.} He had only heard that error code once before after a long battle but even then the battery percentage had never been below double digits.

He sat up slowly getting off the bed. The minute he stood up the room tilted and began to spin uncontrollably and his knees felt like they were made of jello. Next thing he knew he was falling, he tried to grab something to balance but it just fell with a clash and he was on his knees on the ground with the world still spinning around him. He wasn't sure how long he was on the floor before he heard the whooshing of the door open and someone run over to help him up. He blinked groggily and looked up at his saviour, surprisingly it was Kaldur

He laid back down exhausted "It's good to see you're awake my friend" Kaldur's voice was over formal even after all these years he had been on land. "How long have I been out?" He asked groggily. The fact that Khaji wasn't awake yet was concerning him slightly but he didn't have the energy to delve too deep into concern over the AI bug. "You've been on and off awake for just over twenty hours" Kaldur answered putting his hand against Jamie's forehead, Jamie didn't remember being awake since that morning when he was throwing up. "Khaji woke up a couple of times but he was ..." The Atlantean thought for a second about the best way to put it "... incoherent."

Kaldur too his hand away with a disconcerted look on his face and wrote something on the chart "His battery is low" Jamie admitted, exhaustion starting to take him over again. His body kept switching between feeling like he was freezing to feeling like he was on fire. He closed his heavy eyes and rested his head against the pillow that was under him. "My family did anyone call them and expla..." His mind drifted and he let himself fall back into a hazy sleep.

< Host / Jamie Reyes / defective – energy level inadequate >

< Releasing Chemical XJ56439-B- Purpose to force host / Jamie Reyes/ Into sleep mode >

< Emergency battery 20% >

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