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Minho's P.O.V.
Everyone stepped into the living room and looked around. They expected a complete mess, so they were shocked when they saw that I had actually cleaned up before they arrived here. Changbin couldn't hold back a little bit of laughter, thinking about how they told me on the phone that I didn't need to tidy the house but I did so anyways.
After I said hello to everybody individually and gave everyone another short hug, I asked them If they were thirsty and got a few cold drinks out of the refridgerator, placing them on the kitchen counter.
"Make yourself at home" I exclaimed happily and then went onto showing them around the house.

After they pretty much studied every room, we went back to the living room where we all took a seat on the couch and started talking about what happened during our separation.
I didn't have much to talk about, they on the other hand had plenty of things to tell me.
They stated how hard it would be to be an Idol, how strict their schedules are, how hard and intense their daily practice is and they even said that they would envy me sometimes because I could always sleep in and pretty much relax the whole day.
Even though they're not wrong with that, I'd still prefer to work this hard as long as I can be with them every day.
But I pushed these thoughts and emotions to the side. They were here right now and so I shouldn't have to think about stuff like that.

We talked for a really long time, joked around and played some games. Even after their long show they didn't look exhausted which I found impressive. I knew that they probably were tired but they also knew how to hide it.

When everyone got ready for bed at some point, Seungmin excused himself to use the bathroom for a minute and that's when I received a message and with that switched my phone on. It came from Areum.

Hey Minhoo!
Sorry I didn't text earlier, I was pretty busy haha!
Did you miss me? :P

I was about to respond to her message when Jisung started talking to me. He sat right next to me so I assume he took a glimpse to read the message I had gotten.
"Who is that?" He asked curiously.
"Areum? Oh she's just a girl that randomly texted me a few days ago"
He just nodded with a little hum but it seemed like he didn't quite believe me.
"And do you like her?"
That question caught me off guard and I stuttered a bit for a second.
"W-What? No? I mean, kind of? I don't even know her after all so I can't really say that but she seems nice. I only like her in a friendship-way though"
Again, just a nod. Right when Seungmin came back, Jisung got up with the words "I'm gonna go to sleep, goodnight everyone"
The other boys, including me, waved at him and wished him a good nights sleep.

After that we decided to get some rest too and all fell asleep in the living room, cuddled in blankets and pillows.

Jisung's P.O.V.
After my short talk with Minho, I told everyone that I'd go to bed and with that excused myself. They wished me a good nights sleep and I went into the room we were supposed to sleep in. After some time where I couldn't sleep, I was still the only one in the room which worried me a bit since I didn't hear anyone talking from downstairs either. I decided to go look If they were alright and as soon as I opened the door to the living room, I saw every one of them sleeping on the floor, cuddling with blankets and pillows and all of them were lying very close to each other.
I looked at the clock and it said 2:04am.
Because I wasn't able to sleep yet I wanted to take a short walk in the park, so I quietly sneaked out of the house.

The cold air that surrounded me felt nice on my skin and it felt refreshing every time I took a deep breath. It wasn't too windy and since Minho's place is not somewhere in the middle of a city, it wasn't too loud either. There was a little river at the side of a small path that I was walking on and the moon was beautifully reflecting in the water.
A cool breeze came by so I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket. That's when I saw a wooden bench and walked towards it, sat down and just gazed into the night sky.

Suddenly I heard a little creaking sound coming from my right and when I looked to the side, I saw Chan also staring at the stars.
I was speechless for a second because I thought he was already sleeping, but I didn't even have to say anything since he had already broken the silence by the time I had proccessed his presence.
"You like Minho, am I right?"
My jaw dropped to the ground and I looked at him in shock. Was it that obvious?
He chuckled at me slightly and I still couldn't say a word. After he gave me a playful punch on the shoulder he continued the one-sided conversation even though I still hadn't answered him.
"Is that what you didn't want to tell me back in the practice room when I asked you what was wrong?"
I nodded just a tiny bit for myself but he seemed to have seen it as well so he went on.
"Why did you want to keep it to yourself? And why weren't you happier then when I told you that we were gonna visit him again? Shouldn't you be excited about that?"
I got up sighing and answered him without even turning back around to face him.
"He likes someone else. How can I be excited to meet him again when I have to keep my feelings to myself and endure the pain in my heart that I feel whenever he talks with or about somebody else? Also, he's into girls anyway so I shouldn't even have any hopes"
Without even giving him time to start talking I just walked back to Minho's house and stepped inside, going into our sleeping room on my own again.

I spent the whole night looking at the blank ceiling, lost in thoughts and scrolling through mine and Minho's chat on kakaotalk. I always told myself how much of a coward I was to think I'd actually have a chance with Minho and maybe, just maybe, there were even some tears forming in my eyes and falling onto my pillow.

I'm sorry for this chapteeer, I just can't really concentrate at all but I just really wanted to write another chapter T^T
I'm excited for the next ones though bc oh well, I got some ideas lmao

OMG! Over 100 Reads! Thank you so much!! I can't believe it aaah~
Have an amazing day/night/whatever it is for you rn ♡

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