Chapter 9: Departure

Start from the beginning

"RedXander," GoldenJoy called out. "I'm an independent player. I want to keep it that way."

"Then we'll get divorce after the competition if that's what you will prefer if the time comes!" Xander exclaimed. "What do you want me to do for you to agree to my proposal?"

"Can you give me the wedding ceremony I want?" Joy challenged him.

RedXander might be the current number one player in Serene S-City, but she is sure that he isn't as rich as the Great Master KyleEmbers who married Rissa on Blazing S-City. Joy wanted a grand wedding. Not to the extent of KyleEmbers and RissaStar's level, but grander than the marriage two months ago.

"You want a grand wedding?" Xander asked.

"Yeah," Joy responded. "I want the ceremony to be grander than PhantomLass' wedding."

"Alright," RedXander said. "Meet me tomorrow the Temple of the Winged Goddess at 10 am. You'll have it then, a grand wedding. Just be sure to show up."

"Fine," Joy said. "I'll leave now."

By that, GoldenJoy disappeared on the screen. Alex smiled. He'll give her the wedding she wants and after that, she'll be his. Nerissa won't be able to escape him. He was bothered by the fact that she and Kyron sit next to each other twice on campus, but considering earlier when he approached them in the cafeteria, it seems that Kyron has no feelings for Nerissa. If she could have confessed to him and get rejected, he can immediately be there for her.

"Nerissa and basketball are two different things," he said to no one. "I can lose in the latter, but I won't give up on Nerissa."


"Rivera Technologies was the one who called you earlier?" Kian asked Chad.

"Yeah, they said Manager Drews is inviting me out for lunch alone," he responded and turned to Kyron. "That emphasized their thought of not telling you."

The four of them are back in the dorm after they enjoyed the company of the younger girls. The truth is they actually ask Brix to meet the girl Kyron sat next with since he's quite close with their department beauty. They actually dragged Kyron into coming with them to find out how they will interact only to be disappointed that they didn't. It was still a good day since they get to know the face of their department, until Chad received the call.

"Could they be trying to poach us?" Harry asked.

"They have history of doing that," Kyron responded. "Cardinal Codes wasn't developed by them, remember? They are trying to use the same tactic again."

"I'll decline the meet-up then," Chad concluded. "I'll call her back."

"Why?" Kyron smirked. "That would be wasting a chance. It's just dinner, Chad."

His roommates shiver. They know that look.

"What are you planning to do, brother?" Harry asked. "If you have that smile o your face, someone will be in trouble. It's scary."

"I'll be off now," Kyron stood up and left the dorm.

"Where are you going? You're not staying in the dorms when we worked so hard cleaning it for you?" Kian questioned.

"Somewhere I can be alone," he replied. "I can't have you single men disturb me when I'm busy with my wife."

"You!" Chad exclaimed but the guy ignored it.

The three of them was on silence until Kian spoke, "What do you think about our department beauty?"

"She seems alright to me," Chad answered. "Though, she's more beautiful up close."

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