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((my mental image of Mia. not my art. She basically looks like a black haired Merida with bluey blue eyes.))

I was lying on the floor, drenched in my own blood. It was rushing forward, like a red sea of pain. I screamed and screamed, but nobody came.

"You've done it," someone said from the shadows. "Your father and mother are dead,"

I screamed again, the pain in my arms heightening. "What have you done to me?"

"You're one of us now," the woman stepped out and sat down next to me. "You're bleeding an awful lot,"

"Well maybe that's because your ripped my arms open, Sylvia," I growled, sitting up. "I believe it happened to you,"

"So it did. But really," she took out her wand, conjuring some sponges. She mopped up the blood and gave me her own binding gloves. "Your body seems to be fighting the transformation,"

"That explains the stinging in my gums," I said.

Sylvia smiled. "I'm so proud of you,"


"Mia! Come here!"

I trudge down the stairs, rolling my eyes. She probably wants me to wash the dishes or something. "What do you want, Sylvia?"

"I want you to look at this," it was a letter. Not just any letter, though. A Hogwarts letter.

"Is this a joke?" I ask.

"It's no joke," Sylvia grins. "The new headmaster wants you to come,"

"But I'm way above starting age," I glance down at my fifteen year old body.

"He's prepared a slow acting aging potion. You're starting first year next week," Sylvia says. "If you want to, of course,"

I give Sylvia a bone-crushing hug. "IM GOING TO HOGWARTS!"

"We need to go to Diagon Ally tomorrow," Sylvia kisses me on the forehead. "Now go to bed, you don't want to be tired tomorrow,"

I bounce up the stairs and flop into my bed. I'm going to Hogwarts.


I wake up at six in the morning and run to Sylvia's room. Even though it's the closest to mine, it's a ways down the hall. I burst through the door and jump on Sylvia's bed.


Sylvia opens her eyes. "Really?" She sits up and her silver nightgown slips around her, falling perfectly on her perfect form.

"Come on, we have to go!" I tug on her arm and she drags herself out of bed.

"You haven't been this excited since you're fiftieth birthday," she throws on some muggle jeans and a flowy red blouse. Her black hair falls in curls around her shoulders, just like mine.

"Well, I'm going to Hogwarts!" I squeal and rush back to my room, putting on my lucky jeans and a soft red t-shirt.

When I get downstairs, Sylvia is waiting with a phial of golden liquid.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Your aging potion. You have to take one every month," she hands me the phial.

I chug the liquid and wipe my face on my sleeve. "That was yummy," it had tasted of liquid gummy bears. I look down at my now eleven year old body. "Bloody hell,"

"Apparition or floo?" Sylvia asks when I'm finished brushing my teeth after a big breakfast.

"You know apparition makes me queasy," I say. She nods and we walk to one of the many fireplaces in the house.

We floo to Diagon Alley and stop in Madame Malkins first. The woman fits my robes and I giggle when Sylvia has to pull my wild hair back.

"Sylvia, guess what?" I say jubilantly as we walk towards Ollivander's.


"I'm going to get a wand! A real wand!" I squeal.

There's a large queue for Ollivander's, and Sylvia and I wait behind a boy with a woman.

"Sirius, you can't just leave your brother like that," she scolds. "He could've gotten lost."

"Well he was being a brat! He wanted my ice cream even though he had his own!" The boy protests.

"Sirius, you have to share," the woman hisses.

"Humph," Sirius crosses his arms.

I look at Sylvia in amusement, but her face has gone pale.

"Come, Mia, we'll come later. The queue is too long," she grabs my hand and drags me away.


"Let's go to Flourish and Blots to get your books," Sylvia hisses.

We go to Flourish and Blots and get my books. While in the queue to pay, I examine the showcased books. One of them is about Werewolves. I go to pick it up, but another person does too at the same time. Our hands bump together, and I laugh as the book falls to the ground. We both lean down to pick it up, and we bump heads.

"Not my best day," I smile as I hand the book to the boy. He has scars on his face and his shaggy brown hair is falling into his face.

"Sorry," he mutters and looks down.

"It's my fault. I'm Mia, by the way," I stick my hand out.

A woman comes over and puts her hand on the boy's shoulder. "Come, Remus. Time to pay," the boy turns away reluctantly, still holding the book.

I step back to Sylvia and sigh. I almost, almost made a friend.

"He was cute," Sylvia bops my nose.

I blush. "I guess," I mutter.

We buy the books and finish our shopping before going back home.

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