Five and a half

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The months go by, and soon it's Christmas time. Sylvia is going on a work trip, so I'm staying at Hogwarts. Lily, James, and Sirius are going home with their parents, but Remus is staying because his parents are going on a "romantic holiday.” Peter is going to visit extended family.

"Goodbye!" I hug Lily before she boards the Hogwarts Express.

James and Sirius have already gotten on the train. Remus is standing on the platform, waving at his friends through the window. I walk over to him, linking my arm in his.

"Just us, then," I say.

Remus nods. "It'll be awfully quiet, won't it?"

"I guess so," I shrug. "I think we're actually the only Gryffindors staying,"

We walk back to the castle together and sit in the Gryffindor common room together in front of the fire. Remus sits across from me on the overstuffed red couch so that our toes are touching. We sit in silence for a while, reading the small stash of books our parents have sent us. I look up from “Pride and Prejudice” and watch Remus furtively.

He’s gotten sick and frail every month, before and after each full moon. He always comes up with excuses for his increasing number of scars, but I’ve contemplated and come to the only conclusion I can think of. Remus Lupin is a werewolf. I doubt it's a coincidence that he gets sick every full moon, and it would explain perfectly the scars and injuries he suffers from every month.

"So when's your next transformation?" I ask. Remus looks up from his book, startled.

"What? What transformation?" He says in a strangled voice.

"Oh, you know. When you turn into a werewolf on the full moon," I shrug. "Somehow I doubt it's a coincidence that you get sick every month right around the full moon,"

Remus swallows and looks at me with pleading eyes. "Please don't tell anyone,"

I look at him, horrified. "And ruin your life? Why would I ever do that?"

Remus looks away, blushing. "It's just, if anyone found out..." He messes with the page of his book.

"Oh, Remus," I shift on the sofa so that I'm next to Remus. I squeeze his shoulder gently. "If you think I would do that, you've never had a true friend. Well, I hope that's what real friends do, I don't really know,"

"Welcome to the club," Remus mumbles. I grin and place my head on his shoulder.

((Yeah, I know, SUPER short chapter, but I've got another one for y'all right after this! Yay! :) ))

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