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((The previous picture of Sean Persaud is wrong. THIS is my mental image of James now. Also: sorta long AN at the end))

"What? Why?" I yell.

"Come on, all the ladies tell me I'm a good kisser," Sirius says nonchalantly.

"Because- because- because it's Sirius," I cross my arms. "No,"

"I'm afraid you can't get out of it," James says, holding back a huge grin.

"I hate you, James, you know that?" I glare at James as Sirius scoots next to me.

The kiss is rather unceremonious. Sirius leans forward and smashes his lips on mine, playing with my hair with one hand and cupping my neck with the other. Although I have experienced few kisses in my long life, I can imagine why he is such a ladies man. I'm pushed back on the seat a bit as Sirius leans forward a little more.

My heartbeat is pulsing through my ears and I find my hands pushing back on Sirius' chest as he finally unlatches his lips from mine. Sirius looks groggy, and he blinks a few times before grinning crookedly.

"You're good," he says before returning to his original seat.

Everyone else in the compartment is either staring at me, Sirius, or the ground, although the only one finding interest in the carpeted floor is Remus.

"Alright, so who's next?" I ask, trying to diffuse the tension in the room. I pick up the box of jelly beans and the game continues.


When we finally reach Hogwarts, we all hop on the thestral-pulled cariages. I sit in-between Lily and Peter, in the middle of a heated conversation about house elves with James.

"But they have no will of their own!" I exclaim, crossing my arms. "They don't get recognition for any of the hard work that they do day and night!"

"But they want to work," James replies. "Try to free an elf, and they end up beating themselves up for accepting the freedom,"

"That's because we've manipulated them. We've bred them so that they're obedient and since they don't know what freedom is like, they don't want it. It's barbaric," I say. I glare at James, who opens his mouth. I hold up a hand and he closes it before opening it again and repeating the process so he looks sort of like a fish.

"Okay, the public debate is over, Mia won with her outstanding passion for the freedom of house elves, and the rest of this carriage may resume their normal lives," Sirius says boredly, slumped against the seat.

"Ugh," I roll my eyes. "No intellectuality," I shake my head and Sirius smirks.

"Well you seem to have stolen it all," Sirius sits up straighter and shoots me his flirtatious crooked smile.

Something bubbles up in my stomach, and I have a sudden urge to grin stupidly. I push the feeling down and glare at my friend, asking Lily about how she plans to study for the OWLs.


When we finally get to the feast, the sorting quickly passes and everyone stuffs their faces with food. Sirius glances at me from across the table as he picks up his knife and fork, slicing his chicken into pieces and putting them in his mouth independently.

"I see you've learned to eat like a human being, Padfoot," I say, smirking as Sirius smiles proudly, his cheeks expanded from the chicken in his mouth.

"Fank yoo," Sirius says through his full mouth.

"Apparently not completely," Lily giggles from next to me.

Dumbledore steps up to his podium when dinner is finished, and his eyes twinkle down at us all. "Good evening, students. To those of you who are new, welcome to Hogwarts. To those who are returning from the summer holidays, welcome back for another year!"

Cheers erupt from the four house tables. Dumbledore quiets everyone down and continues his speech.

"Now, as some of you may know, this year is the 1000th anniversary of the founding of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry," Dumbledore smiles. "This year you will be participating in many events that are related to the history of Hogwarts. We will have Christmas and Valentine balls, and many other fun occasions for you students."

A series of groans from the boys, and excited giggles from the girls.

"Now, let us eat our fill," the heaps of sweets and pies fill the tables, and once again, everyone stuffs their faces.


"Lily?" I ask the dark, staring up at the curtains drawn around my bed. "You awake?"

"Mmmhmm, yeah," Lily's tired voice reaches my ears softly.

"Why do you think James dared me to kiss Sirius?"

"Honestly? I don't know, but I suspect Padfoot has a new target, if you know what I mean," Lily snorted at her own joke. "Anyway, what was it like?"

"Well, he has experience," I shrugged.

Lily laughed. "Yeah, I'll bet he does."

"But other than that, it was actually... Really nice," I smiled to myself.

"Awwwwww, that's so cute!" Lily sighed. "Can I tell you a secret?"


"I kinda wish James
were like that sometimes."

"Lily, he is like that, you're just too blind to see it."

"Uh huh. Sure," Lily's sarcastic response ended our conversation as I heard her shuffling her blankets and turning over. Her soft snores filled the room shortly after.

((Okay. So.

I started this story a really long time ago, and I haven't written stuff for it in a while, and I don't really like it anymore. But since a bunch of people have started reading it and stuff, I figured it might be good to start writing for it again. I know I do this all the time where I say I'll update more and then i never do, but I seriously do plan on working on this story. I'm really sorry about the previous parts and how bad they are, but I will try to make it better.

Anyway, thanks for all of the reads and love and votes!

I also have a pretty big chapter almost done, so I hope I can finish it and publish it soon!))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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