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((Mia again. This is probably her nearer Blood Nights- or the full moon.))

Y is one of the last letters in the alphabet, so I'm one of the last kids sorted in the sorting ceremony.

"Young, Amelia," Professor McGonagall calls.

I walk up to the stool, my hands shaking. Sylvia always tells me I'd be in Gryffindor like her, but I have doubts. What if I end up in Slytherin, and get bullied, or Ravenclaw, and fail my classes? Whatever, I tell myself. The sorting hat will not fail to put me in the right house.

I sit down on the stool, and the hat is placed on my head. It doesn't cover my head like it did all on the other students, though. My hair gets in the way, and it topples off my head. I grab it before it can get to the floor, and I pull it on with a tug. Roars of laughter assail my ears and I blush a dark crimson color.

"Hmmm, you're a tricky one, aren't you?" The sorting hat says in my head. "Wisdom from a long life, and loyalty too. You're cunning and brave, a good fit for each house. Which house, eh? Which house?"

"Please Gryffindor, please please Gryffindor," I whisper.

"Gryffindor, eh? Why's that? A passion for glory? No, a will for friends. Alright, then. GRYFFINDOR!"

Cheers erupt from the Gryffindor table and I sit down proudly in between Remus and James.

"Welcome to Gryffindor!" A ghost pops up from the table. Having read all about Hogwarts in hopes of attending one day, I had learned that this ghost is called Nearly Headless Nick.

"Thank you, Sir Nicholas," I smile at him. I had also learned that he dislikes being called Nearly Headless Nick.

Dumbledore makes his speech and the feast began.

"Ugh, after that curry bean, I don't think I'll ever eat curry again," Sirius says as he turns down the curry that someone had offered him.

"I'll never eat chicken nuggets," James makes a vomiting motion.

"I think I'd like to have more Mango Smoothies," I say thoughtfully.

"I'll never play Bertie Bot's Dares with you lot ever again," Remus says. He had been dared multiple times by hating even the nice beans and mistakenly picking out good flavors for people.

"But it was so fun!" I throw my arm over his shoulders.

"Not when you made me change into my robes in the compartment with everyone watching!" Remus protests.

"That wasn't my dare," I smile. James had come up with the idea to make Remus change in the compartment, and I did feel bad for him. But how did he get all those scars? "Anyway, I had to take my hair down," I say.

"That wasn't even bad though! You have beautiful hair!" Remus replies.

"But look at it now," I say, pointing to the frizzy mass of curls. "The bloody sorting hat fell off my head,"

"That was funny," Sirius laughs, overhearing our conversation.

"It was bloody embarrassing, that's what it was," I say in a shrill voice.

"Yeah, that would have been embarrassing," Lily agrees from next to Remus. "Especially since everybody laughed,"

"I thought you were going to turn into a tomato," Sirius jokes.

"You're so funny, Sirius," I say dryly. "I'm ready to go to bed," I close my eyes for a few seconds and open them again. Everyone is staring at me.

"Mia, uh," Sirius motions behind me.

And there she is. Sylvia in her full glory, almost as beautiful as she is near Blood Nights. She's wearing a silky summer dress that shows her perfect breasts off, and I suddenly miss my matured body.

"Mia," She smiles, tucking one of my wild curls behind my ear. "We have to pay the headmaster a visit,"

I get up and wave to my friends. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," I smile.

Sylvia leads me into the hall, her hand in mine. "I knew you'd be in Gryffindor," She says. "You've always had an explosive spirit,"

"Yeah, about that..." I trail off. I'll tell her later.

We reach the headmaster's office, and Dumbledore himself comes up from behind us, saying the password, "sugar floss."

"Good evening, Mia, Sylvia," He says when we reach the office. I sit down next to Sylvia on the fluffy couch in front of the fire. Dumbledore is sitting in the armchair.

"Good evening, Albus," Sylvia smiles her intoxicating smile.

"We will prepare a chamber for Mia to reside in on the full moon, or, 'blood nights,' as you call them," Dumbledore says. "I understand that you have never had a full moon alone, Mia?"

"Never," I shake my head.

"Very well, if you have time, Sylvia, for the first couple of months, you may accompany her in the chamber," Dumbledore's eyes twinkle. "Now, about the potion,"

"Yes, what exactly is it? I've never seen a brew of the sort," Sylvia asks.

"One of my own inventions, actually. I've mixed an aging potion with a time stop potion. The result is that you will slowly grow back into your old body, if you take the potion every month. Rather ingenious, if I do say so myself," Dumbledore explains. "You will stop taking it when you complete fifth year and after that you will continue you existence in your own body,"

"And will the blood nights tamper with this potion?" I ask. "You know, the transformation,"

"Ah," Dumbledore smiles. "You will remain in the body of your 'age,' but you will become, ah, more alluring to men,"

"Thank you so much, Albus," Sylvia smiles widely. "I couldn't bear it if Mia never got a proper education. Or even a wand."

"Her parents forbade Professor Dibbit to send an acceptance letter," Dumbledore says. "He didn't even know Mia was still alive."

I yawn. "Are we done yet?"

Dumbledore chuckles. "You can go to bed, Mia. Sylvia, would you care to show her to the common room? The password is 'Wolfsbane',"

Sylvia leads me to the common room, and I wave my goodbye before heading up to the dorms. Lily is sitting upright in her bed when I arrive and she pats the spot next to her.

"We have to be quiet," She motions to the other girls in the room, who are asleep. "Who was that woman at the feast? Why did you have to go to the headmaster's office?"

"That's my, uh, my mum. She just wanted to check on me, she's the overprotective sort. My dad left when I was little, when she was away. I was alone for two weeks, and I nearly starved to death because he took everything. I guess she was just worried," I lie. I couldn't tell her the truth, so I made up the most plausible thing I could.

"That's horrible," Lily rubs my back. "I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"It was a long time ago," I mutter. "Well, I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed."

"Okay. Goodnight."


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