New Everything

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(Y/N)'s pov

I walked into the school taking in the scenery. Students left to right, lockers in every hall.

I looked down at the paper the office gave to me.

"Locker 297"

I looked back up to see a guy with brown eyes and dark brown hair looking as nervous as ever. He looked to his right giving what I assume was a person a glare. He turned back to me and put his hand up for a wave.

"H-hi i'm Peter"

"Nice to meet you Peter, I'm (Y/N)"

"You need any uh- help with anything?"

"Yeah actually i'm looking for locker 297"

"I can walk you if you'd like?"

"Um, Sure that'd be great"

He smiled at me and I smiled back. He's kind of cute...

We walked down the hall in front of us and turned the corner to another row of lockers. He looked down the hallway and speed walked to a locker. I followed closely behind as I saw a familiar number on the wall.

"297, this is it"

"Okay then. Thanks Peter"

"Uh no problem"

I heard shuffling behind me but I decided to ignore it. I put the stuff I didn't need in the locker and I looked down at the paper again.

"You need help finding your classes too?"

"Um, yeah... Sorry if I'm bothering you"

I looked down. I was a little embarrassed that he had to help me with everything.

"Hey it's fine. Let me see your schedule"

I handed him the paper and he scanned over it. His face lit up with excitement when he handed it back.

"You have all of my same classes so just follow me"


He went around the corner but before I moved I heard someone near him that was talking.

"Did you talk to them!"

"Yeah, and guess what! They have the same classes I do!"

I started to walk around the corner as well when I heard the shuffling noise get closer and the most annoying voice I've ever heard. Beside my father of course.

"Hey there baby"

I turn around and a dark haired boy was leaning against a locker. He didn't smell good at all. I trying not to be mean but that is the cheapest cologne ever.

"... Yeah, don't get your hopes up"

"Ooo feisty, I like that. I'm Flash"

I exhaled and turned back around to see Peter just coming around the corner as well.

"What's up Penis Parker!"

A few people laughed at this while others minded their business. Peter didn't say anything. He didn't look fazed by this which slightly surprised me but not too much since it was a terrible name.

"Insert not cringe, joke"

Everyone around me except for Peter's jaw dropped. Peter was smiling, laughing almost while everyone else 'ooed'. Flash looked mad, embarrassed even tried looking intimidating but he didn't scare me since he couldn't hurt me... At all.

"You'll remember that"

He walked away and everyone went back to what they were doing before.

Another guy came standing next to Peter with a huge smile.

"That was amazing!"

I smiled at his reaction

"Pete you need to start doing that"

"And get in conflict with Flash? I'll pass"

"Well... what's your name?"


"Y/N doesn't care about conflict"

"Actually I was trying to defend Peter, that's all"

"Thanks for that"

He smiled and I blushed slightly making me look to the side.

"Well we should get to class before the bell rings"

"Oh right, yeah follow me, Y/N. See you later Ned"

They did some kind of handshake and Ned walked away. I followed him and he turned into a classroom on his left. When I came in, people started whispering and I could hear every word they said.

'Isn't that the new kid?'

'I heard him and Flash got into a fight'

'Whose that?'

"Alright everyone, quiet please"

The class got silent

"Now we have a new student so-"

The teacher looked at me and gestured for me to stand up

"If you would introduce yourself to the class"

I got up and went to the front of the classroom. Everyone was staring at me including Peter.

"My name is Y/N and I am originally from queens until I... Moved, but now i'm back"

"Is that it?"


I heard Peter chuckle as I fake smiled at the teacher.

"Oh... Well don't sit down just yet cause we have new seats"

The whole class groaned except Peter. He put his hands in his pockets and waited for his new seat to be called.

She told everyone where to sit with the last few people standing.

"Y/N sit right next to Peter"

I quietly cheered in my head while sitting next to him. He smiled at me and I blushed again.


Class ended and I was getting my stuff together and Peter said he wanted to get to class earlier. I didn't know why but it didn't matter. Class is class and Peter is Peter.

We made our way to science and no one but us was in the classroom. He rushed to a certain table and pulled out a drawer. He stirred whatever was inside and closed it again.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! I was just checking to see if anything was in there"

"O...kay then"

"Sit next to me Y/N"

I grinned while walking over to him. He's a terrible liar but I decided to let it go. The teacher came in with the rest of the students and class started.

"Okay guys so we are going to do a project that has to be done by next week. Your partner is the person next to you. I expect everything to be done by next week, no excuses for not finishing"

A few people exhale and others cheered probably because they sat next to their best friends. The teacher handed us a list of materials and certain projects we could do.

"I guess your my partner than"

"Guess so"

I smiled at him and he smiled back. Geez not what I was expecting for a first day but it doesn't matter, I get a cute partner. At least dad isn't here to say anything...

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