Part 8: Everything comes in Order

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The year after, the Order of the Phoenix was reunited. The Headquarters being Sirius' old house, Jenna, Sirius and Remus got to see plenty of people, which was unusual for them since Sirius and Jenna had to hide and Remus being what he was, well, wasn't the kind of person people would invite to dinner. As Jenna feared, the Ministry made up a story where she and Sirius were criminals, Peter wasn't alive, and there was nothing she could say to change their mind. 

The Order was in the middle of a reunion when Harry's escort arrived. Harry took a quick look in the room in which the meeting took place and saw Sirius smiling at him, while Jenna and Remus stood beside him. Jenna waved at her nephew before Molly came out and closed the door to take Harry to his bedroom.

"Sounds like someone's angry" Remus muttered when Harry's screams echoed through the house.

"Poor thing" Jenna and Sirius sighed at the same time.

"You guys spoil him too much..."

When the meeting ended, all the kids came downstairs for dinner, Harry running to Sirius to hug him. Then, he turned to Jenna who was in Remus' arms and hugged them as well. Professor Lupin, the Chosen One noticed, looked younger and less miserable than during the Year he was a Hogwarts teacher. Now that he thought about it, Harry found it wierd that his former teacher was his uncle.

On the day of his audition at the Ministry, Harry looked paler than usual. He came into the kitchen where Tonks, Arthur, Molly and Sirius were already gathered. He wanted to be left alone, but Molly started to comb his hair, though it was completely pointless. Feeling like he was about to throw up, he was following Arthur out of the kitchen when he heard someone run down the stairs and felt something silky bump into him as he was engulfed in an unexpected but very welcome hug. 

"It's going to be alright" Jenna's voice said soothingly in his ear; then she pulled away to look at his eyes. "You haven't done anything wrong."

"And from what I've heard" Remus added as he was climbing down the stairs to join them "your Patronus was absolutely impressing."

Harry had a weak smile as he looked at his aunt as she herself was looking at him with a loving gaze. She was now slightly shorter than him, Jenna smiled at the thought that James too, became taller than her around that age. She stroked his cheeks and kissed his forehead a last time before Arthur had to take him away.

"Jenna?" Harry called as they were exiting the house and Jenna and Remus were heading to the kitchen.

"Yes, honey?" she answered with a grin.

"Sirius said..." Harry seemed a bit uneasy as he talked, fidgeting his fingers and looking down at his feet "Sirius said, if anything went wrong, I could come live here with you."

"Of course." Jenna smiled. "We'd be glad to take you in. But you're going to be fine, Harry, they have nothing against you."

It was all Harry needed to be reassured, and he followed Arthur outside, a bit reluctantly. Once the front door was closed, Jenna and Remus went into the kitchen, holding hands like a couple of teenagers. Tonks had left for work, and Molly had gone away to find another room to clean, leaving Sirius alone in the kitchen.

"Wow" he breathed teasingly at the sight of Jenna's black night gown under her silky dressing gown. "Didn't Moony rip that one out?"

"C'mon Sirius" the woman rolled her eyes, as unbeknownst to her, Remus was showing two of his fingers to Sirius as he mouthed something like 'there were two of them', "please, don't start with your innuendos so early in the morning."

The two men high-fived while the brunette made some tea.

"You guys are such kids."

As predicted, Harry ended up just fine, and -too- soon, it was time for him to go back to school. Sirius having the ability to turn into a dog, managed to walk out and accompany the escort to the station; but for Jenna, who couldn't do anything like that, it was extremely frustrating. 

However, as the school year started and more missions became available for the members of the order, Sirius and Jenna spent more and more time alone and locked in the house. At some point, Remus left for a mission with other werewolves, which lasted for several weeks. 

"Does it ever get awkward?" Sirius asked bluntly one evening, as he was slouched on a soffa, with his head upside down and staring abent-mindedly at the Black Family tree. They hadn't seen Kreacher in a few days, but Sirius said it was nothing to worry about. "Being reunited with Moony, after twelve years as a cat?" he added, when he saw Jenna's confusion on her face. 

"Oh, well..." she hesitated "at first, it wasn't, like everything seemed so natural you know? When I kissed him again, for the first time, I didn't even have to think about it, I knew I had to... But then, I could feel him holding back. I think he's mad at himself and thinks I should be, too."

"How comes you stayed, even after you realised he wasn't going to say your name ever again?" Padfoot inquired, sadly. 

"He didn't say yours either, you know?" she sighed, "or James', or Lily's, Peter's, Marly's... He wrote letters for Harry, I read them while he was asleep, trying to explain who he was, who  I was, but he never sent any of them. I tried to make him say it, you know? Like I would push picture frames, go in my stuff..."

Sirius flinched at the mention of his late lover's name, and sighed deeply. He never managed to move on after her death, and Dementors would only make the pain of losing her worst. He felt tears forming in his eyes, and tried to push them away. He wasn't afraid of crying in front of his friend, it had already happened a few times when they were left alone in this house. Jenna looked at him in concern, and placed her hand on his arm to confort him, and Sirius didn't want to talk about Marlene now. 

"He's more touchy than before." He stated, and it was true. Remus had always been a bit cheesy ever since he and Jenna started dating, but PDA had never been his thing before. Now, only meetings of the Order and his missions could keep him from touch his wife. 

"And more needy too." Jenna agreed. "It's like I said before about kissing, the first time we had sex again, he was holding back and finished super quickly; and now he's always trying to improve his performances, like, last tim-"

"Okay, I don't want to hear it!" Sirius exclaimed, covering his ears. Jenna laughed, and Sirius joined in pretty quickly. When their laughter died, they fell in a confortable silence. But Sirius hated silence and being locked in his parents' house. "It's so unfair that we can't ever do antyhing for the Order! We've lost so much last time, and now we can't have our revenge." 

"Dumbledore said it's too dangerous for us to go out" Jen rolled her eyes "I mean we're both innocent, we could go to the Ministry, have some Veritaserum and explain what happened when James and Lily died!" 

"I know right! Plus I'm sure we could use magic to change our faces, and even Moony wouldn't recognize us!"

They made a complicit eye-contact and grabbed their wands. Sirius first flipped it to put on some old punk music play on an even older record player, then they proceeded to magically transform each other's face. Once they were done, Sirius had short silver hair, a tanned skin, tired green eyes and freckles and wrinckes all over his face. His beard was gone too, as well as the tattoo he had on his right arm. As for Jenna, Sirius had made her look like a chubby man, in his early twenties. Her long, brown wavy hair was now blonde and reached her shoulders, and she had a gingerish fuzz over her upper lip and chin. They laughed at their new apparances, and then started dancing to the music. 

"What the hell is going on here?" An amused voice, Remus', said from the doorstep as they were in the middle of a tango. 

"Don't you think she looks exactly the way she did in First Year?" Sirius asked him, making Jenna 'hey' and punch his side. 

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