Part 1: Precious

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"Nice catch, Jenna!" Lily chimed during her wedding, clapping her hands together after throwing her bouquet right in the hands of her best friend and bridesmaid.

"You did this on purpose, Lils," Jenna smirked and rolled her eyes, slightly stroking the pinkish petals of the roses in her hands.

"Maybe," Lily laughed as Remus kissed his girlfriend's forehead. She winked at them both and quickly left, as she was called by her new father-in-law who wanted a dance with the bride.

Jenna and Remus had started dating during their sixth year at Hogwarts, much to James' displeasure since he was Jenna's older twin brother and found it weird that his best friend fell in love with his sister, not that they really looked like each other anyway. Yet, James had to stop complaining at some point since he started dating Lily, who was Jenna's best friend. 

Now, Lily and James just got married and the reception was held in a muggle wedding hall near Lily's childhood home. They had to do it in the less magical way possible since most of Lily's family didn't know about magic, but no one really cared. If anything, pureblood wizards -James, Jenna and Sirius, mostly- got amazed by the smallest things. The room looked very old-fashioned, but had actually been completely renovated. The wooden floor was of a very light colour, matching the wooden beams that held the ceiling, covered in golden balloons for the occasion. There was also plenty of flowers, white lilies, roses and privets, which spread their sweet scent in the entire place.

"I actually want to marry you." Remus muttered in Jenna's ear as they danced together a little while later.

"What was that?" The brunette grinned, tilting her head up to see a blushing Remus carefully avoiding her gaze. "You'll have to make a proper proposal, then." She said, kissing his cheek as he rested his chin on her shoulder with a slight smile.

"Ready for our old twinnies dance, Jellyfish?!" A very happiness-intoxicated James roared from across the dancefloor, making Jenna laugh as she unwrapped her arms form her boyfriend's neck.

"Merlin, I hate when he calls me that" Jenna muttered which made Remus chuckle. Everyone who knew Jenna, maybe even just one tiny bit, knew how much she despised the nickname James had found for her. "You bet your ass I am, Jimmypuff!" she yelled back, making the Marauders smirk at the equally stupid nickname. She then turned to Remus "but this discussion isn't over."

"Far from it" Remus agreed as he kissed her quickly then let go of her to allow her to join her twin.

They did the dance they had made up when they were four, which consisted of a succession of stupid dance moves and a bit of Jenna flying around James. They unfortunately had to change some parts, since Jenna used to be taller than James but was now a few inches smaller, but twin telepathy did its job just fine so nothing looked like it had been changed in the last minute. Remus cheered the entire time, as everyone else did, literally unable to keep his eyes off his girlfriend as she looked even more stunning than she usually did in her silky dark green gown. The dark hue of the dress contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, and the green empahized the light in her grey eyes. When the dance ended, he made his way back towards her, but before he could make an eye contact with her, she was hogged by Sirius with whom she danced a very acceptable tango, making Remus frown a little.

"Look at Remus, he's frowning so hard his face may stay like this forever." Sirius joked as they were twirling around.

"Indeed. I'll have to make up for that later" she sighed dramatically after a quick chuckle.

"No you won't!" Sirius exclaimed, realizing what Jenna had just said. "I live with you guys, remember?"

"Oh please," Jenna snorted before Sirius made her spin, "Nothing I can do to him will be as loud as what you and Marlene did the other day."

"What, you heard?" Sirius exclaimed, stepping back then turning to the beautiful blonde witch who was now casually talking with Remus. "Marlene!" he cried, making the girl stop her conversation. "She heard!"

"Baby, the entire planet heard." Marlene replied soothingly with a slight roll of her blue eyes.

"Are you actually blushing?" Sirius' dance partner asked incredulously.

"Shut up."

When the song came to an end, Jenna parted from Sirius and went looking for Remus across the crowded dancefloor. She smiled at the sight of her brother dancing with his wife, as he had never looked happier in his entire life. She was still looking around for her werewolf boyfriend when she bumped into Peter.

"Hey Peter, haven't seen you in a while." She greeted with a warm smile, genuinely happy to see him.

"Yeah, I was kinda busy" the man replied, scratching the back of his head and carefully avoiding her gaze. "How... how have you been?"

"Nice, thanks, you?" She said, to which Wormtail answered that he had been feeling tired but good nonetheless. "I'm sorry, but have you seen Remus around?" she interrupted as Peter was about to ask something.

"He was over there last time I saw him." he said, sounding a tiny bit annoyed. Jenna looked over in the direction Peter was indicating with his thumb and saw Remus dancing and laughing with Lily. "Since..." Peter started tentatively. "Since he's not available, would you... Would you like to dance?"

"Yeah, sure." the brown-haired witch replied and took the hand he was offering her.

She placed her other hand on his shoulder and they started to twirl around, but something seemed off with the blonde man. He looked distracted and wasn't as cheerful as he had always been. He even looked like he had lost lots of weight in a very short period of time, his usually chubby and ronde face was now bony and his cheeks had lost their pinkish hue. 

"I'm sorry" he mumbled awkwardly after stomping on Jenna's foot for what seemed to be the hundredth time since the beginning of the song.

"That's alright" Jenna smiled, "but you're sure you're okay though?" she asked concernedly. "You look very tensed and... stressed."

"Yeah, I'm fine" Peter smiled weakly, and quickly removed his hands from the witch when he saw his best friend coming in their direction. "Hi Moony, s'been a while."

Remus didn't answer and just gave him a tight hug as Sirius walked in and joined the hug. The four of them chatted for a while, until Lily padded towards them in her gorgeous wedding dress and asked Peter to dance with her. Then Sirius quickly left as well and started looking for Marlene with a goofy smile.

"They're obnoxious." Jenna smiled as Sirius had found his girlfriend and was now making out with her.

"I think we were as well when we started dating." Remus said, nudging her a bit and holding her hand as they made their way towards an empty table. "You know what? Today kinda reminds me of the New Year's Eve party in fifth year."

"Because... You combed your hair for the second time in your life?" Jenna joked just like she had done that night.

"I did not comb my hair today, it's completely natural" the werewolf chuckled, running his hand through his sandy hair to prove his point. "And I used to have perfectly neat and combed hair before I knew you, mind you."

She let out a somewhat airy laugh at the thought of her boyfriend with a neat parting in his wild hair. Remus pretended to be offended by her reaction and it wasn't long before they were teasing each other and giggling like kids.

"Aren't they the most precious thing in the world?" Lily said quietly with a small smile, as she was dancing with James again but her eyes were glued on her best friend, to whom Remus had just offered a rose from the bouquet she had caught earlier. 

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