Part 4: Twelve years

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Remus was a bit worried when he woke up in the morning, since it was already noon and Jenna would have never let him sleep this long. He thought she might have gone on a walk and decided to cook lunch. He hummed while doing so, wanting nothing more than to see his beloved wife again. He didn't notice the small kitten that slowly made its way into the kitchen by sneaking in by the opened window.

"What are you doing here?" Remus smiled when he noticed the small brown creature that was staring at him with bright grey eyes. "I'm afraid you can't stay."

The cat meowed and Remus deduced it was hungry. He grabbed a bottle of milk and a bowl and poured the white liquid into it. Then he gave the bowl to the cat and went back to his cooking. When he was done, he felt something soft scrubbing gently against his legs. Looking down, he saw the cat and took it in his hands, just like Sirius had done a few hours before. It was surprising, to say the least, for Remus to notice that this cat had a little brownish pattern on its head, which looked exactly like the few lighter locks his wife had in her hair. 

"We were actually thinking of adopting a cat. We take baby steps, you see, first a cat, then kids." Remus stated matter-of-factly, as if he was trying to educate the cat on how life should work. "So, it's decided, you can live with us. My wife is going to love you, just wait and see when she returns."

Just when he finished his sentence, he heard someone knocking on the front door. Convinced it was her coming back, he ran to the door, yelling "coming kitten!" and opened it, revealing... The Aurore Frank Longbottom and Albus Dumbledore.

"Why, hello gentlemen" Remus said, a bit confused. "What can I do for you?"

"You might want to sit down, Remus" Frank said awkwardly, making Remus even more confused.

He led them to the living room and sat on his usual couch and the other two men sat on the opposite sofa.

"So..." Remus started, fidgeting a bit "is anything the matter?"

Feeling his tenseness, the brown cat jumped on the couch next to Remus and went laying on his laps. Without thinking, the werewolf started to stroke the soft fur, making the cat purr lightly.

"There are several matters actually." Frank talked again, shooting Dumbledore a pleading look.

"This night, the Potters were sold to Lord Voldemort" Albus stated blankly. Seeing on how Remus was to stunned to talk, the Headmaster of Hogwarts kept talking "They put their faith in the wrong person, as it appears. The person that had been giving information about them was the same as the person they chose to be their Secret Keeper."

"And..." Remus finally managed to say "And who was it? Peter or Sirius, I guess? It's impossible..."

"It was indeed Sirius Black." Albus confirmed, nodding his head. "Lord Voldemort came to the Potters' house during the night... They did not stand a chance against him." There was a pause, then Albus added "I'm sorry, Remus."

"What about Harry?" Remus asked, seeming to regain a bit of awareness at the thought of his nephew. "He was killed as well?"

"No." Dumbledore said "but I figured the safest place for him was by Lily's family. With his family."

The cat on Remus' laps slightly pressed its claws in the man's skin, but he didn't seem to notice. He was Harry's family as well, wasn't he? He was starting to doubt. What if Jenna had been killed as well and that was the reason she was still missing?

"And there is worse" Frank, who had been crying silently added after blowing his nose. "When Peter found out about what Sirius had done, he tried to confront him, but he was not alone." This sentence alone confirmed Remus' doubts, he knew what was about to come and couldn't refrain his tears. "Jenna... Witnesses said that she tried to talk to Sirius and Peter, to keep them from fighting, but she was in the middle of their fight. Sirius hexed her before taking care of Peter."

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