Helena chuckled and watched Charlotte eat her sandwich. "Y'know, I really thought you and Grizz would stay together for a long time.."

It's been two weeks since Charlotte and Grizz broke up. Though, the news spread like wildfire and everyone knew of the separation of the power couple in two days. Their split was the gossip of the week and they were constantly questioned — mostly Grizz — as to why they broke up.

Charlotte was annoyed at how everyone kept harassing Grizz for the answer and shut everyone up by answering that they drifted away. People suspected there was more to their breakup but Charlotte didn't say anything else except that they fell out of love but were still friends.

Charlotte didn't tell anyone about Grizz being homosexual since he didn't want anyone to know yet. Charlotte respected that and simply waited for him to tell people. Grizz was thankful to have Charlotte by his side since she was there to have his back at all costs.

Even though Charlotte knew Grizz liked Sam, she promised herself that she wouldn't help him. Miles also liked Sam and Charlotte didn't want to interfere with his attempt on getting with Sam, so she decided to remain neutral to which Grizz understood why.

Charlotte shrugged, "The future is unpredictable. No matter how hard you try to force it the way you want it to, fate always gets it their way."

Helena smiled, "I'm glad you guys are still friends though."

Charlotte nodded, "Me too—"

"—Hey babe,"

The door to the room suddenly opened, making the two girls snap their heads to the doorway. Luke appeared and Helena quickly stood up, "You can't be see me like this!"

Luke quickly covered his eyes and turned away, "No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see anything—but I kind of did and you are the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen in my life,"

Charlotte scoffed and reached for a slipper on the ground. She picked it up and chucked it at Luke, making him yelp. "Did you forget basic manners? You have to knock before entering an occupied room bro, what if I was taking a shit?"

Luke uncovered his eyes and looked at Charlotte with a raised eyebrow, "In the middle of the room?"

Charlotte shrugged, "You never know," Charlotte then stood up, "Anyway, I'll leave you two alone while I go make myself another sandwich!"

She walked past Luke and patted his shoulder, "I told you this yesterday but if you do anything that will hurt Helena then I will end you."

Luke blinked and nodded, "Yes Boss."

Charlotte grinned and walked out, "Good."

Helena chuckled and shook her head, watching her cousin give her a quick wink before leaving the room fully.

Charlotte made her way downstairs to make herself another sandwich when her phone suddenly buzzed. She pulled out her phone and saw that Clark texted her.

wanna go eat some donuts?

don't u have a shift rn

whatever we can sneak in like old times

wdym old times, it was just u who did bad shit

says the gang leader


jokes char but c'mon i'm really craving donuts

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