2: Excel

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Picture of James on the side and a video of Connor being asked to be in the band

Bradley’s pov

  Yesterday we decided that we would ask Connor to join our band today. I am meeting the guys at the studios today and we are going to ask him there after we have messed around for a bit. It feels like he is already in our band because he joins us at the studios sometimes so that we can hear what the songs would be like with a bass guitar. We have become really good friends with Connor so now all we have to do is just ask him to join the band and hope he says yes.

  “Emzy, I’m going out to the studios can you tell mum and dad that I will be back later please?”

  “Sure but I am going to college soon as well don’t forget.”

  “Oh yeah. Well, do you want a lift? I have to go passed it on the way to the studios anyways so I can drop you off if you want. Saves you walking or catching the bus.”

  “Sure, thanks. I will just be one minute I need to grab something from my room.” On that note, my little sister darts up the stairs. She probably needs her bag or phone or something like that. Seconds later she comes darting back down the stairs nearly tripping on her own feet as she reaches me. I roll my eyes at her and lead the way out to the car. While I get the car started she locks the front door then joins me in the front of the car dumping he bag by her feet.


  “Ready.” I pull out of the driveway and head towards the college.  “Are you asking Connor today?”

  “Yeah, we are. Hopefully, he will say yes. We have all grown quite close so hopefully he will agree and join us.”

  “He will don’t worry about it. As you said you have grown close and your band needs a bassist. He is practically part of the band now when he practices with you so you can hear what your songs are like with the bass line.” Emma is brilliant at reassuring anyone, any situation she will find a way to reassure you that everything will be fine and it will go the way you want it to. “Although I am still offended that you didn’t introduce us until yesterday." She laughs. I join in and roll my eyes at her even though she has a point because I introduced James and Tristan to her pretty much straight away.  “Can you do me a favour though?”


  “Seems as I am at college I can’t see you asking Connor so can you please record it secretly so I can see his reaction. I think it will be priceless.”

  “I’ll try.” We both sit there in a comfortable silence. My eyes glued to the road and Emma staring out the window watching as the scenery passes by.

We arrive at the college so I pull up and say goodbye to my little sister. We do our little handshake which we made up when we were younger and she gets out of the car.

Emma’s pov

I get out of the car and immediately I feel five pairs of eyes on me from people who are jealous or just love to watch me; either way it makes me feel uncomfortable. You would have thought that I would be used to the amount of people watching me by now wouldn’t you but I don’t think I will ever get used to it. I watch as my brother pulls away and carries on driving down the roads in the direction of his studios. I hope everything goes well with asking Connor to be in the band.

My eyes land on Jayna so I start to head towards my best friend.

“So how are you Emma?” My head snaps to the right to see who was talking to me, a guy with blonde mop hair is looking at me. I don’t even know who this person is.

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