1. Meeting new and old friends

Start from the beginning

When I am ready to go out I go downstairs and grab my jacket.

"Whoa Emzy I thought you said you were staying."

"Mum's making me go to Aunt June's to get something I won't be long." Brad nods with an unconvinced look plastered on his face; I think we both know I might be a while.

Thankfully my Aunt's house is just around the corner. It's a five minute walk so it's not that bad but Aunt June has a tendency to talk a lot. She waffles on about a load of stuff we are not interested in but Brad and I reckon it's because she is lonely. Our uncle died about four years ago now so she is on her own now.

I leave our warm house to be met by the bitter cold autumn breeze. I zip my jacket up even further and attempt to burry myself in the material as I start to walk down the road. I hate the cold weather.

My phone goes off but I don't want to risk moving anything but my legs. My hands are securely tucked away in my pockets with the jacket wrapped around my body and done up as far as possible. I feel like an Eskimo just without the massive fluffy hood.

Before I know it I am at my Aunt's. I knock on the door and ask for the three cooking books which mum sent me round here to get.

"There you go Emma. Here look at some of these recipes this one's good." She starts to show me some pages in the first book.

"Aunt June I am so sorry but I have to get going because I have some mates coming round." I say not wanting to be rude but really wanting to get back for the boys.

"Oh ok sorry to have kept you."

"It's no problem you didn't. I will look later and I might even try to cook a few." I smile to be friendly. On that note we say our goodbyes and I leave.

As I turn round the corner onto my road I notice two tall figures around where my house is. James and Tristan. I pick up my pace to get home quicker.

By the time I reach my house everyone has disappeared inside. I look at the door then down at the books. They are three heavy books so if I let go with one hand guaranteed they will drop. I knock the door with my foot. I don't kick the door hard because last time I did mum yelled at me saying I would break the door. I stand on the spot gripping the heavy books waiting for someone to open the door.

"I'll get it Brad don't worry you stay with your mates." I hear mum call, her voice full of sarcasm. "Hello sweetie thank you for getting these."

"No problem." I say handing her the books and walking into the living room. James and Tristan have their backs to me but Brad sees me coming. I put my finger over my lips and tell him to stay quiet.

I sneak over to the couch on all fours like a dog. When I am directly behind the sofa I move quietly so I can jump up easily. When in position I jump screaming 'boo'. The two boys nearly have heart attacks. They leap in the air screaming. Brad and I burst out laughing then high five.

"Emmy!" James laughs and hugs me once he has calmed down.

"Jems!" I cheer his name the same way he cheered mine.


"Trissy!" I hug the drummer.

"You are one evil child."

"I have Brady as a brother what do you expect?"


"Hi Brady." I laugh making him pout and pretend to sulk. "So what have I missed these past few weeks?"

"You have missed us."

"You missed me more though right?"

"Of course jemmy Jems."

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