chapter 11 shot 10

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Bad past appears on the screen.
Summary: flashback.
They were wondering what was gonna happen.
They see a 6 year old hiccup in the forest alone.
Hiccup: sigh the forest is so quiet.
Then hiccup heard something and saw alvin.
Hiccup: hi alvin hows my dad?
Alvin: well stoick still at the meeting.
Then alvin "accidentally" pushes hiccup.
Hiccup: ow say sorry!
Alvin: what?
Hiccup: say sorry dumba##!
Alvin: whoa there language about a game to make it up?
Hiccup: whats the game call?
Alvin: its call kidnapping.
All of there eyes widen in fear.
Hiccup: but daddy said its bad.
Alvin: dont worry were gonna play the safe way.
Hiccup: ok! wow do we play?
Alvin: well i take you and your dad saves you so come to my ship.
Hiccup: ok!
Then alvin checks to make sure theres no one and then picks up hiccup and sligs him over his shoulders.
Stoicl was breathing heavily so hiccup calmed him down a little.
At berk.
Stoick: hey gobber have you seen hiccup?
Gobber: hes at the forest.
Stoick: oh and have you seen alvin?
Gobber: nope-
Then bucket came in.
Bucket: stoick look!
Then gonber and stoick went ti thr forest and found hiccup locket.
Gobber: hiccup never goes anywhere without it.
Gobber: ya!
Stoick: tell the village!
Then gobber went to the village running or atleast.
That calmed stoick down.
With hiccup.
Alvin: hiccup were here.
The alvin puts hiccup down.
Alvin: oh i forgot to mention something something.
Hiccup: what?
Then alvin grabs soem rope.
Alvin: you gotta be tied up.
Hiccup eyes widen as he remembers the last time he was tied up.
Hiccup was crying as stoick untied the last painful knot.
Stoick: its ok its gone.
Hiccup: i-it hurts.
"End of flashback"
Everyone hearts break and i mean literally.
Hiccup: i-i dont wanna play anymore!
Then alvin grabs hiccup and ties him to the wall as he adds chains to gis wrist and ankles.
Alvin: now we wait for your dad.
Hiccup has a scared face on.
With stoick.
Spitelout: stoick calm down!
Snotlout: i wonder where he is?
Tuffnut: ya?
Then alvin comes and pretends whats going on.
Alvin: whats going on?
Stoick: its hiccup hes missing!
Alvin: oh no!
Gobber: ya and why do i get tge feeling you have something to do with it?
Alvin: gobber why would i kidnap hiccup?
Gobber: well i read your diary.
Alvin: what?!
Hiccup: gobber cant just go reading other people diary's!
Everyone was yelling at gobber until it calmed down.
Alvin: haha ok you caught me!
Snotlout: you b-
Alvin: dont even say it noe stoickfollow me and we can go see your soon on my ship-
Thrn alvin was knocked out.
Ruffnut: got him!
Tuffnut: ya!
Spitelout: stoick go to alvin ship and get hiccup.
Then stoick runs to alvin ship.
Inside alvin ship.
Stoick: Hiccup!
Then stoick sees hiccup chained anf gagged.
Hiccup: mmpphh.
Stoick: hiccup!
Then stoick ungags hiccuo and unchains him.
Issa: thats the end of part 2.
Author: hey guys so i hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you guys in the next chapter bye!

(httyd) watching one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora