We were quickly instructed, by a bossy little old lady, "Ok girls, you'll take turns and I'll let you work that out for yourselves. Whichever one of you that isn't out there kissing, will remain back here. We'd like to keep your identities safe and in order to do that, we can't have you fraternizing with the customers between shifts. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am." We both said, in unison.

"Good, now discuss how you want to split the shift and then one of you get out there. We're having a great turn out." She bossed one last time before leaving the two of us alone behind the curtain.

"Ok, since I know you don't really want to do this, I'll go out first and only come get you if one of my family members is next in line or if I absolutely can't breathe through all the saliva and need a break. Deal?"

"Uh, gross, but deal, I guess." I tell her. Then I watch as she applied some lip-gloss and then she flounced out to the cheers of the crowd. I wasn't sure how long it'd be before I'd be forced to go out there, but I pulled out my phone to try to distract myself. I tried to get into the iBook that had me riveted the day before, but I couldn't get into it today. I couldn't avoid looking at the curtain opening, with dread, because sure enough Gina came back and informed me I'd have to take over for a little while.

"It's my cousin's Blake and Colby. If you'll take them and about a dozen more, so it's not so obvious, that'd be great. I mean, if I went right back out after those two, they'd know something was up and probably figure out who I am." Gina instructed.

"A dozen? How many people are out there?" I asked, with my nerves threatening to overpower me.

"Dozens. I've heard people say the line goes around the block and some are even getting in line a second time. We're going to make loads of cash for those kids." Gina said, excitedly.

I forced a smile. I was happy for the kids, but did it really have to be a kissing booth? With dread settling in my stomach, I walked out with much less enthusiasm than Gina had. Blake stood waiting and I had to fight the urge to laugh. If he knew it was me, he'd probably run for the hills. I managed to not laugh and he was a surprisingly good kisser. Next was Colby, who was an awkward, but quick kisser. My dozen guys went surprisingly fast and painless, so while I waited behind the curtain again I was much less nervous.

Gina was out there a long time then, bless her. I was practically dozing off when she finally came back and stated, "My brother is up next and there is only about eight guys left. Would you mind finishing up? I don't think I could kiss one more person today."

I nod, "Sure." Then I move the curtain aside and trip over my own feet. Greg. I hadn't bothered to ask her which brother was in line, because I'd doubted Greg would show up today. He had better things to do, didn't he? He'd taken a year's college program to get a certificate in Auto body. He'd been working for the garage downtown ever since.

"You ok?" He asked, looking worried.I hopped up and then patted my wig, making sure it was still in place.

 Then I moved to my stool and muttered, "I'm fine."

"You sure?" He leaned in, but it wasn't for a kiss. It was out of concern.

I suddenly couldn't find my voice. He was so beautiful. I stared at him in wonder. Was I really going to get to kiss him? Probably not, if I didn't snap out of it. I finally managed, "Yes, I'm sure. So, um...ready?"

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "A buddy dared me to do this or I wouldn't be here. He said I don't take enough chances. So, uh, yea, I guess I'm ready."

We both leaned. Miraculously he leaned one way and I leaned the other, so our lips lined up perfectly when they touched. For the first time that day, I closed my eyes for a kiss. Kissing Greg was like a dream and I never wanted to wake up. Even when he lifted his head, I kept my eyes closed, not wanting the moment to be over.

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