Greg & Carrie

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"Absolutely not. I won't do it."

"Come on, Carrie! It's for a good cause and the girl who was supposed to help me came down with mono." My best friend Gina whined.

I rolled my eyes, "Ironic that she came down with mono before the kissing booth, considering mono is rumored to be the so called kissing disease."

"That's totally a myth." She waved her hand impatiently and then begged, "So will you help me. All the money is going to kids at St. Christopher's school for kids with special needs. For the kids, Carrie."

I groaned. Damn it. She had me and I knew she knew it by the smile that suddenly blossomed on her face. Gina was one you could call a blond bombshell. She was tall, curvy, and sassy. Just like the guys at school liked. We were set to graduate high school next month and I knew Gina would go places. I, however, was more reserved. Not that I wouldn't go places too, it just always seemed like I had to work extra hard for everything I got. I wasn't resentful toward Gina, because she seemed to get things handed to her. I might have been a little jealous, but I wasn't resentful. I envied her. I wanted to be her when I grew up.

I swallowed a curse and said, "Fine, but why do you need a second person anyway? Can't you just do it on your own?"

"I figure with how big my family is, I better have a backup. I do have like nine male cousins and three brothers, you know? I don't want to be kissing any of them. So, I promise to take the majority of the work today, but if any of my relation shows up, I'll need you to step in." Gina explained, as she arranged an auburn colored wig over her hair and then a pretty pink mask over the top part of her face, leaving her eyes free. This was to be an anonymous kissing booth, at least.

I hadn't thought about who I'd possibly have to kiss, though, and now that Gina mentioned her family, only one person came to mind. I'd secretly had a crush on Gina's older brother, Greg, since before I knew what a crush was. Gina didn't even know about my feelings. Greg was two years older than us and about the hottest thing since sliced bread. His hair wasn't as blond as Gina's. While hers was close to bleached blond, Greg's was kind of a dirty blond. His eyes were a rich hazel color that reminded me of honeycomb. He was a good five inches taller than me and spent a fair amount of time in a gym. In a word, Greg Neely was perfect and he'd never seen me as more than a sister-type.

Trying not to panic, I ask Gina, "Most of your cousins and brothers are older. What makes you think they'd be interested in a kissing booth?"

Gina shrugged, "It's for charity, but they did put age limitations. Everyone has to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, so that's still the majority of my brothers and cousins. They don't want a bunch of pervy old men coming at us with their tongues, which I appreciate. Now, let's get this wig and mask on you."

Gina helped me pin a long blond wig into place. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I stared in fascination. I'd always been jealous of Gina's blond hair, but had been too chicken to dye mine. Seeing myself blond now, I wasn't sure if I liked it. I looked like a different person and that's not what I wanted. It would serve its purpose for the evening, but as soon as the kissing booth closed, I'd gladly go back to my brown hair. It may feel like a dull color sometimes, but at least it was me. Gina handed me a turquoise mask and I put it in place, before we stood side-by-side in front of the mirror. Nobody would be recognizing either one of us tonight.

"Alright, let's roll." Gina stated and grabbed my arm, practically dragging me out of her house and across the street, to the community hall, where the kissing booth was now set up. There was already a large line forming, but I didn't have time to see if I knew anyone because we were yanked behind a curtain.

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