Dance With Me- Mister Mistoffelees

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You and Mister Mistoffelees were quite good friends, you spent a lot of time together, and had a lot of good memories of one another. A few bad ones, yes, but they were glossed over by the numerous good ones. Most of the bad ones included either Macavity or Rum Tum Tugger, and even then, they quickly turned into pleasant scenarios.

On this particular night, you were laying on your front, on an abandoned car, watching Mistoffelees dance with awe and admiration. How he just seemed to glide through the air, land with absolute precision and perfection. It just amazed you. How could it not? No other Jellicle could move like him, even if they tried. Even if they trained for a thousand years, they would not have the grace and beauty that Misto had. He had more talent in a single hair, then they did in their entire bodies. Of course he did, he was the Magical, the Marvellous, the Mystical, Mister Mistoffelees.

Whilst you were in your dreamy daze, Mistoffelees had stopped his routine, and was watching you with a slight smile playing upon his lips.
You quickly snapped out of your daze, tilting you head slightly at him. "What?" You asked him with a slight chuckle.
"You must've zoned out, (Y/N)." Mistoffelees returned with a chuckle of his own.
"Ah, sorry..." you giggled quietly.
"No, it's perfectly fine." Misto smiled warmly. "I often do when I have things to think about....what're you thinking about, Dove?"
You blushed ever so softly at the pet name he had given to you. "Oh, nothing much..." you responded quietly.
"Well, it must be something." He crossed his arms in front of you, leaning on the car, and resting his chin on his arms. "No, honestly Quaxo, it's nothing." You chuckled, using your nickname for him. Misto rolled his eyes dramatically. "You know only my humans call me that, don't you?"
"Yeah, I know. I just like irritating you." You grinned mischievously at him. Misto reached over to you, and ruffled in between your ears. "And I you, Dove." You laughed, and tried to flatten the hair he had ruffled up. "Hey!" You said in between laughs, "I had a thing going here."
Misto grinned happily. "Well, I think you still look amazing."
You blushed madly, and shook your head furiously. "No, I don't." You chuckled nervously. "The other queens look better than I do."
"Of course they don't, Dove." Misto laughed. "They don't have your grace, and beauty."
"But they have...that...sexual...charm. I don't have that." You shrugged a little, looking down.
"You don't need it. You're good with what you've got."
"Yeah, right, Quaxo. I can't even dance."
"I'll teach you."

Within the next two minutes, in what seemed like a blink, you were balancing on one leg, Misto helping you keep your balance, not that you really needed it, but it was comforting to know that he would catch you, should you lose your footing, and fall. You would glance up at him every so often when you shifted, making sure you were doing it right. However, when you went to move into an entirely new position, your ankle gave way, and you fell almost to the floor. Almost. With his quick reflexes, he had managed to catch you, keeping your face from smashing into the ground of the yard, which you were most thankful for. Misto pulled you upright again, putting his hands on your shoulders, as if you may fall again. "That was perfect." He told you. "Apart from the part where you nearly hit that beautiful face on the floor." He chuckled, and you shrugged.
"I felt like the floor needed a kiss." You giggled quietly.
"Really?" Misto laughed, tilting his head ever so slightly. You laughed with him, before nodding and responding with; "Yes."
"Well that's something I've never heard before." Misto admitted with a slight shrug.
"Well, you have now." You chuckled.
"Alright, alright, (Y/N), that's enough." He shook his head a little bit. "Let's get back to practising, or you'll never get better."
"Gee, thanks, Quaxo. Nice amount of sympathy."
"Oh, hush." Misto laughed.
"Don't think I will." You quipped back with a laugh of your own.
"Oh, come on, (Y/N), or I'll have to make you."
"Really? Forcefulness isn't really your style, Quaxo."
"Well, this method may be, Dove." Misto laughed again.
"Oh really? Well, what is it then?"
Misto said nothing, but began to lean in, placing his lips gently against yours. You widened your eyes in surprise for a moment, before melting into the kiss, slowly beginning to wrap your arms around his neck, smiling gently as your lips connected over and over again, pure bliss washing over you.
After a few minutes of this, Misto pulled away, still smiling.
"Well..." You whispered softly. "That was...magical..." You giggled, blushing gently as you looked at him. "It certainly was." Misto agreed, smiling warmly. "
"You should try and silencing me more often." You giggled.
"Maybe I will..." Misto said thoughtfully, "Maybe I will..."

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