{LawRusso 2}

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3rd person P.O.V

Daniel was walking the school halls after his class, going to his locker before his last class of the day. He really hated school, only because he didn't have any classes with his boyfriend Johnny.

When he got to his locker, he opened his locker, and a little slip of paper fell out if his locker, and on to the ground. Daniel went to pick it up, and as he was about to grab the paper, someone pushed him against his locker.

He hit his face against the cold, hard locker and winced in pain. He turned around, and he saw some of the Cobra Kai guys like Bobby and Dutch.

"Hey man", Dutch said as he pinned Daniel against the locker, "what did you do to Johnny?!"

Daniel was confused by what he ment. "What the hell are you getting at Dutch?"

Dutch socked him in the eye. "You made him soft! He was one of the toughest people in our dojo, now he's soft, because of YOU!"

"I didnt do anything man!", Daniel yelled. And within that moment, he was getting hit, kicked, punched, and cursed out.

When the guys finally left, Daniel was on the ground in front of his locker, and saw the note still sitting on the ground. He reached over to grab it, pain coursing through his body, until he finally grabbed the note.

He opened the note, and read it.

Meet me at the beach at 12:00. - Johnny <3

Daniel got up, sending aches of pain throughout his while body, and started limping to his car and checked his watch, and it said 11:45.

When Daniel got to his car, he started it up, and quickly drove to the beach.


When he got to the beach, he began limping around the beach to find his boyfriend. He was limping around for a few minutes, then was lifted up by the waist and was off the ground, srill hurting his body.

"Hey Danielle", a familiar voice said, and a pai of lips were landed on his bruised cheek.

"Hey Goldilocks", Daniel said with pain obvious in his voice. Johnny put Daniel down, and turned him so he could see his boyfriend's face, and was shocked to see the poor boy's face bruised and cut up.

Johnny gingerly cupped Daniel's face and looked him in the eyes, "what happened? Who did this? Are you okay? Is it serious?"

Daniel began to tear up, and grabbed his hands with his own hands, and put his face in Johnny's chest.

Johnny wrapped his hands around Daniel's neck, and rubbed his hands up and down the boy's back. Daniel wrapped his hands around Johnny's back, and began crying.

"Im so sorry", Daniel mumbled in Johnny's chest. Johnny cupped his face again, but wiped away his tears.

"This isnt your fault, and whoever did this is gonna get their ass kicked."

Daniel nodded, and began to calm down. He was pulled into a loving kiss by Johnny. He instantly began to feel better.

When they pulled away, Daniel was smiling a little, and Johnny pulled him back into a hug.

"Better", Johnny asked Daniel. Daniel only nodded.

Daniel was thankful that he had a boyfriend like Johnny.

..........................................................hey guys, i hope you liked this part. It took me a while to do because i didnt know how to start the book. Anyway, i really love LawRusso and ive seen a lot of them on Tublr. Um, movers are coming today to take pretty much everything, so yeah. :/

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