♡ CHAPTER 2.1 : He's A Vampire?! [Part II] ೃ

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Each and every day...
Hiding from the sunshine
Wandering in the shade
Not too old
Not too young

Every night again
Dancing with the moonlight
Somewhere far away
I can hear your call

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Ryou's POV :

Today, me and my master was preparing to go to the mall to buy me some clothes and things to use everyday. I was taking a short shower and after, wearing my pink shirt and skirt that he gave to me along with long laced boots.

"Kitten? You ready?"

"Yes, master! I'm ready!"
I opened my door, appearing master who's already dressed up wearing his fedora, furry hoodie and his classic shoes. I smiled as I grab my shoulder bag.

"Let's go?"

"Yes, Master!"



Laito's POV :

Me and my kitten made it to the mall and I just felt...thirsty. I need to suck her little kitty neck for a little juice up.
I hold her hand while walking around the mall, waiting for kitten's interests. Soon, she looked at a boutique with cute dresses and plushies displayed.

"Is that what you want, kitten? hmm?"

She nod her head in response. "Mhm! I didn't get any stuffies and cute dresses before.." She said.

In that cute voice, I chuckled and ruffles her soft pink hair. "Very well then, we'll buy them anything you want we'll fill your room with cute dresses and plushies."

She soon jumped and giggled happily. What a cute kitten I have.
"Thank you very much, master!" She said as I smile.

"From now on, kitten. you'll call me my name if we're outside of the mansion, understand?"


"Good, kitten." I petted her head and went to the boutique along with my kitten.


Ryou's POV :

I purred as master petted me on the head as we both went to the shop.
I was looking some cute dresses that can suits me and saw something cute.

I picked three dresses and got back to master.

"Hehe alright, kitten. Go try them on."

I nodded and went to the changing room to test the dress.
I wore the dress and can't see the mirror because the light was really weak.

minutes later...
I soon finished and fixes the dresses' lace which was behind my back.

"Kitten, you done-"


I didn't noticed that master was inside of the restroom with me.


"O-oh! master! What were you doing here, nya?!" I asked him while my cheeks were bright red.

"...Looks like my lil pre- i mean ahem- kitten is done huh?"

I just nodded at him. "Y-yeah it really fits on me." I replied as I blush.

He soon chuckled and soon complementing on her.

After all that, we were now at the stuffies area which it had so many kinds of plushies displayed. it made my eyes sparkled and picked three kinds of plushies.

The kitty, tiger and a dolphin plushie.

I soon went to master while hughing the plushies.
He chuckled and ruffled my hair one more time. "Let's get them to the counter, kitten."

"Okie, nya!"

After we went shopping, master went me to a restaurant and ordered me some lazagna and milkshake.

It felt like...a date- oh nu don't think that yet!

I soon tried to use a fork and a knife. I grabbed them both and cuts a small amount of lazana but..


...I accidentally cut my finger with a knife.

"You okay, kitten-"

I soon looked at master which he was staring at my finger which it made his emerald eyes glow a bit.
I knew master was a vampire.

I looked at master and gave him my bleeding finger as I closed my eyes.

"D-dwink it-!"

He sighed and licked the blood away from my finger and it healed.

"There, is it better now?"

"Y-yeah, Thank you." I said to him.

"Use a fork, kitten. after that we'll go home." He said with a small smirk on his lips.

This made me shiver a bit and ate my food.

What will he do to me..?


thanky chu for teh cooperation,

hubby! FiyaGrandMastah

› ˖° ͎◌ VAMPIRE'S PET : Story of a Neko ⸼۰ ۪̥۫ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin