♡ CHAPTER I : The Pink-Haired Stray ु

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I'm all alone...      no one's there...

"Alright! Who wants to take this stray? Offer anything you can offer!"

My world is full of Darkness..
no one changes it for me..

"I'll take her 10,000 Yen!"

I can only hear some aristocrats, offering some money to buy me..
could they help me comquer my future..?

How can I see the world again?
I wanted to see the light..

"200,000 yen!"

P-please...help me..
I can't stay in the dark anymore..

"I'll take her. 1 million."


"It's decided."

"Alright take them both to the contract room!"

Could it be..?

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3rd POV :

"Alright sir! You can sign up here and the stray will be yours." The owner said and offered the contract to the male.
"You're very lucky that you can have a quiet slave with you."
"..I'm not some of them to just hurt some slaves..kill them to death.." The male said while signing the contract.
"...I'm buying her to be my pet."

"H-huh..?" The feline was still blindfolded and her wrists, still in chains.
"Alright then." The pale man looked at the stray. His fingertips  made the feline look up to him, even she's still blindfolded.
The neko was shivering and can feel the man's breath on her neck. "don't be scared...i won't hurt you.." The male whispered at the neko's ear. The feline nod her head. "Y-yes.."

"Yes what?"


"Good pet." He smirked and looks at the others. "I'll take her with me from now on." He said to them as his butler gave the suitcase, full of money to them and bowed.

"What's your name?" The male asked the neko.

"....R-Ryou." She answered.

"...hm.a beautiful name for a neko like you." He said and chuckled.

As they both walk to his limousine, it was a quiet conversation for the both of them since Ryou was too shy to talk to the male. She look down a bit as she enters inside the limo. The male noticed that she's still have chains and blindfolded.
"Hang on, there. I'll take off the chains." The male said and takes the chains off.
The neko just looked away.
"P-please don't take off the blindfold.." She thought.
"Alright. Now, the blindfo-"
"It's alright, Master..I can still see when I'm blindfolded.." The neko said, smiling a bit nervously.
"Why not?" He asked. "Do you have any wounds or bruises on your face."
"N-no..it's all fine." She answered.
This made the male stare at her.
"hm..alright then. you already know that if you lie to me, there will be a punishment for you.." he said with a low growl.
The feline shakes a bit and nodded. "Y-yes, master." She said as her ears perked down.

Hours past..
They arrived at the male's mansion. He took her inside.
"Welcome to my mansion. you'll be living here from now on, Understand?" He said to the neko.

"Y-yes master." She looks around, tricking the male that she can see around.
He nodded. "Come with me. I'll show you your room." He held out his hand for the feline. She nodded and takes the male's hand.
"Y-yes, Master." She replied.

After the male shows around, he asked the feline to take a bath and change clothes. He also said that to take off her blindfold before they can have their 'talk'
This made the feline nervous a bit. He cannot see her eyes.

She walked to the bathroom and looked around.
"Alright, coast is clear." She said to herself and took off the blindfold and immediately goes to the bathtub with warm water.
She finally sees the whole room.
"So it is a mansion.." She started talking to herself.
"..How should I have a talk with him without a blindfold?" She said. She sighed a bit and took a relaxing bath since she didn't took a bath for days.

After she bathed, she wrapped herself on a towel and went to her room. She looks around and searches for clothes and sees a pair of clothes on the bed, with a letter on it.

"Wear this and meet me at the dining room."
- Master L.

"Master L..?" She thought.
She sighed and wears the pair.
"I hope this will be fine, nya."


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