Finding A New Job

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The next day, Neil drives to Adam's house and knocks on the door as Naomi flings it open. "What?" She sighed. "What's wrong?" Neil asked. "My unemployed husband."
"I know. We all feel the same way."
"I mean, if it makes you feel better, I have to live with it."
"If it makes you feel better, we have to live in a tiny bus with him for almost 2 years straight, and since he's the lead singer, his actions will result in affecting our reputation as a band."
"You chose to be in a band with him though."
"And you chose to get married with him."
"No I didn't actually. He pretty much forced me to marry him by saying he was going to blow up my family if I didn't."
"Right... Even if he did say that, you still chose to date him."
"He was a different person back then."
"Naomi, I don't know if you know this, but we were already a band when you two started dating, so we all know that's a lie, but anyway, I'm here because I'm taking him to find a new job."
"Perfect! Take him and don't bring him back!" Naomi exclaimed as she went inside, grabbed Adam and threw him on top of Neil, causing him to tumble over, followed by storming back inside and slamming the door. "Why are you here?" Adam said as he got up. "You know why!"
"No, I actually don't!"
"Listen Adam. We are all sick of getting made fun of as a band all because our singer doesn't wanna get off his lazy ass and work, so unless you want to be kicked out of the band, you are getting a job whether you like it or not!"
"Fine!" He groaned as he follows Neil to his car. "Hey, I have an idea! You can be a telephone salesman again!" Neil exclaimed. "NO!!!!" Adam yelled. "Jesus Christ! You hated it that much, huh?"
"Fine, I won't make you be a telephone salesman." Neil sighed as he drove to a McDonald's. "No, please don't make me work there!" Adam begged. "I have to. Nobody else is going to hire you and we will not take being made fun of as a band because of our unemployed singer anymore!"
"Nobody else is going to hire me?"
"Yep. Exactly what I said."
"Really? Because last I checked, I'm Adam fucking Gontier! There are millions of people who would hire me immediately!"
"Yeah, but again, you're also the reason we get made fun of as a band."
"Nope. That would still be you."
"Whatever." Neil huffed as he went into the McDonald's while dragging Adam along. "Hello. Who do we have here?" Adam's maybe new boss exclaimed. "Adam fucking Gontier, bitch!" Adam bragged. "Adam Gontier?"
"What do you mean 'ew'? I'M ADAM FUCKING GONTIER!!!"
"And you suck ass!"
"Oh yeah? Let's see you do better then!"
"Anyone could do better!"
"Yeah, okay." He huffed as he stormed out of the McDonald's. "You go too!" Adam's not new boss ordered. "I was planning on it." Neil argued as he follows Adam out of the McDonald's. "Hey, wanna shovel chicken shit?"
"That was Brad!" Adam huffed. "And no, I do not want to shovel chicken shit! I just want to go home!"
"Fine, I'll take you home, but you have to be a telephone salesman again."
"NO!!!!!" He screeched. "Aw, that's too bad! Guess I can't take you home then."
"Fine!" Adam groaned as they got in the car. "Hey, I have an idea! I can be a prostitute!" He suddenly exclaimed. "No!"
"Why the fuck not?!"
"Because we don't really feel like having a prostitute as a singer."
"But I'll still have a job."
"That's true, but this isn't much better."
"Fine!" After several hours of attending job interviews and being turned down, Neil finally decides to take Adam home. "I'll be here at 8 AM tomorrow to take you back out." Neil said as he pulled up at Adam's driveway. "Yes Jesus." Adam sighed. "Excuse me?!" Neil yelled as he runs over Adam's foot. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?!"
"It's for stealing the 'yes Jesus' thing from ME!"
"Oh, whatever!" Adam huffed as he stormed inside.

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