Afternoon Musings

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Simon Snow isn't what you'd call a natural leader-type

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Simon Snow isn't what you'd call a natural leader-type. He is a charismatic hard-worker who never backs down on his words. He can gather people. But it's not enough. Not by a long shot. The problem is that he doesn't know what to do with them-his charisma and the people - or how to use them. It's not his forte. He doesn't think that far if he even thinks at all.

It makes Baz wonder why he took poli-sci in the first place.

There are only two types of people in political-science. One is those people who are either destined for greatness or paves out their way to power (these guys tend to become power hungry maniacs most of the time) and the other consist of those who really can't figure out why they took this major in first place.

Baz thought Simon probably belonged in the latter group. He doesn't look at all serious and power hungry. But now Baz isn't quite sure. And that's not his feelings talking. Maybe with the help of people like Bunce or even Wellbelove, Simon might just be cut out for something important enough like a… A revolution, maybe.

Baz sneered at the thought of Simon and revolution in the same sentence. Crowley. But then again he also can't deny Snow’s potential.

But of course his path won't be a walk in park. Not when the Pitches are in the picture. Not when he was there. The biggest obstacle in his golden destiny. Not if Snow doesn't use underhanded means to achieve his goals. He would never. Baz knows. But if he used even a fraction of the schemes Fiona or Dad came up with he'd have a lot of power in his hands right now. Also maybe get the right kind of publicity if he manages to pull it off successfully.

Sometimes Baz wondered if he was the villain in Snow’s life. The arrogant, powerful bastard whose an eyesore to everyone. He probably is. People seems to think of it as that. Probably.

So then it probably also means that his attraction--its honestly love at this point--will remain unrequited, unsaid and locked up.

The hero never dates the villain. The hero beats him up.

Baz regretted falling in love with Simon. A rival. A potential enemy, in the eyes of his power-obsessed family. He regrets ever meeting him. He should. Snow will never see him in any way other than a villain. Not even an ally. His enemy. He might not see it now because of his denseness but he surely will. Almost everybody who met the Pitches haven't put a single drop of trust in them. They haven't done anything to make them do so. Pitches like to play dirty and aren't ashamed of it. Loving him won't change shit. It’ll only make it more hard.

Also Simon isn't gay. Which makes him even more unreachable.

Baz just hopes--honestly hoping never got him far but he still did it even when faced with seemingly hopeless situations, Snow’s optimism rubbed on him--that all of  this is just that. A possibility. An option out of the hundred more. It's nowhere written that Snow will choose this.

So Baz hopes. From the bottom of his heart. That Simon will overlook this option. And then maybe, maybe Baz will have a chance. To court Simon bloody Snow.

Honestly Baz should be the one who should overlook this option. The option for power. For using it on others. He wasn't interested in politics but he was good at it. Anyone would be if they lived most of their lives with the Pitches. He would do it though. Overlooking the option, that is. But that's only if he could. If he had the courage to defy his family. He doesn't. He can't.

He longingly stared at Snow who was laughing at some joke with his trusty bunch. They were all standing beside Snow who sat in his window seat. The afternoon sun’s rays falling on him, making his golden curls look more golder than ever, making his blue eyes look like the ocean, making him look kissable. He looks like the Greek god Apollo or something devine like that. Which he probably is. A devine being, that is.

Simon is teeming with the potential to be someone great and Baz- even though being his future enemy--would like to see him flourish, be with him in every step of his journey. Not because he wanted a worthy enemy but because Baz is a moron who has no self-preservation. And he tries not to care one bit that the feeling isn't mutual. After all, his love will always be just that, afternoon musings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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