Dark sex

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The day after all that shit that happened I can't believe it I can finally breathe I have to work but I don't think I'm going so ignore everything
"Ring Ring Ring"
Richeys calling
Hello hay richey
Umm Josline why haven't you arrived at work yet
Because I just don't feel good and I'm not going to be able to make it today
Well that's all you had to say Josline dang but don't not text me alright
Ok I got you
Alright feel better bye
I'm staying my black ass right here at the house we're it's safe my friend
STARTING NOW it's a ignore everything
"Text message from Roman
Have that pussy ready when I pull up at 8
Omg fuck man I can't let him blackmail me like this I just don't want to break up richeys home
So I hope in the shower n patiently waited for 8 o'clock
"8 o'clock finally come around and joslines ready
Roman walks in
So what you got on for me spin around let me see that ass
Josline twirls around Roman smacked her ass and pulled her hair then started to kiss Josline up and down
I'm finna tie you up i really don't care if you trust me
"Roman ties joslines legs up to the head board of the bed then he ate her pussy.
Joslines starts crying she cries every time
Bitch ion see why the fuck you crying when you was fucking a married man
Ok who are you to change you seem like it don't matter when you getting in on it huh
Right like doing to much

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