Chapter 2

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"So, it's officially summertime, you have any plans?" Jane shrugs and continues to munch on the chips she got from the convenient store. "I'm sure you want to spend some time with a special somebody."

"Yeah... 8 of them. You crackheads."

"I don't know if I should be insulted or touched." Jane shrugs again. "You're not good at conversations, you know that right?"

"That's why I have Nancy, she's the one who's better at it. She talks while I stand quietly behind her." The two look over and see their maknae with JooE and Ahin near the pond feeding the ducks.

"You know... You never really talked about how the two of you met, you two never explained how you became friends." Jane cracks a small smile as she sees and hears Nancy laughing and pointing at a terrified JooE who was running away from a bird who was chasing after her.

"Well, it all started with the new girl at the park..."

7 year old Jane walked through the park bored out of her mind. She really didn't want to be here, she wanted to go home and watch the newest episode of Sailor Moon.But her mom insisted that she go to the park to stretch her legs instead.

"Eomma, can we go now? We've been here forever!"

"Jiyeon-ah, we've only been here for 5 minutes." Jane dramatically sighs as she folds her arms over each other and continues walking through the park with a grumpy look on her face. Jane's mom laughed. "Go play, I'm right here by the bench."


"Jane, you have been inside the house for days now, it's good to come outside every once in a while." The younger girl did not look convinced. "Please, for your eomma." Jane looks away from the pout her mom had on her face and murmurs underneath her breath as she walks to the playground. There were other kids, some neighborhood kids that Jane was able to make out, they had all played together every once in a while. She was about to go over to them when a small figure caught her eye. A girl she has never noticed before, she was quietly playing in the sand by herself looking lonely. Jane sees a group of boys make her way over to her and suddenly felt uneasy as she walks closer them.

"Hey! What's your name?" One of the boys said scaring the small girl. The girl, caught off guard, couldn't say a word making the boy grow irritated. "What are you? Deaf? I asked you a question!" He makes his way closer.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Jane said running up and pushing the boy to the ground.

"This isn't any of your business! Go away!" The boy said as he got up from the ground and goes in her face. The smaller girl starts to shake, Jane looks at her and frowns before narrowing her eyes back at the boy.

"Leave her alone! Can't you see you're scaring her?" Jane walks to the small girl and stands in front of her to shield her from the group of boys.

"You're lucky you're a girl!" The boy said with a glare before walking away. Jane rolls her eyes before turning to see the small girl. She crouches down to try to comfort the shaking girl.

"Hey, they're gone now. You don't have to be scared anymore." Jane softly told the girl. "What's your name?"

"I-I'm Nancy." The small girl said, Jane smiled, her voice was small and tiny, just like a baby.

"Hi Nancy, I'm Jane." Nancy finally looked up her savior, her face turns red. "How old are you?"


"You're tiny." The girl pouts. "Are you from around here?" She shakes her head no.

"I'm from Ohio."


"America." Jane nods in understanding. "I moved last week." Jane nods again. "D-Do you want to p-play with me?"

"Okay." Jane sits down next to the girl and smiles as the little girl hands her the sand bucket.

"Aww! That's so cute! Baby Jane protecting baby Nancy from bullies!"

"Shut up Nayun!" Nayun begins to poke the now reddening cheeks of Jane. After a bit of teasing they fell into a comfortable silence before Jane started to talk again. "It's this exact park." Jane points at the small sandpit near the playground. "That's where we first met."

"Seriously?! How come you two never told us? We come here all the time!"

"Didn't think it would be important."

"Jiyeonnie!" The two girls see a bubbly Nancy skip over to them. "Feed the ducks with us!"

"No thanks."

"Please! For me?"

"Well when you put it like that..." Nancy looks at her with hopeful eyes as Jane taps her lips in thought. "Hell no."

"YOU'RE SO MEAN!" Nancy stomps back to the other girls who were chuckling at the poor girl.

"How are you best friends again?" Nayun asked, entertained with what just happened.

"She needed someone to reach the top shelf and I happen to be around." Nayun laughs as she gets up from the park bench.

"You know... It's cute..."

"What is?"

"You're utterly in love with her." Jane's eyes widen and is left speechless as Nayun walks over to the other girls. 


SURPRISE! I was seriously not expecting the amount of love I got from the last chapter. I woke up with so many notifications and love for the book, it was overwhelming. As thanks, I had already finished the second chapter and decided to post chapter 2 early instead of having you all wait till Monday. Sorry if it's a bit short, I just wanted to have a flashback of how they became friends, I promise the next chapter will be longer. Thank you for taking your time to read this, it means a lot to me. Chapter 3 is currently in the process, I will try my best to get it out by Monday, if not Monday then sometime next week. I hope you are all having a nice day/night, I love you all. Until next time! 

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