draco malfroy x reader

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You were walking toward the guest room which had been down the hall close to Draco's room; thoughts over what had transpired earlier that night continued to burn into your memory. The manner of how Voldemort killed without question, without mercy, without compassion it tore at your very soul. Your hand reaches up for the silver lined door handle when you hear him coming. Oh yes, you knew Draco was just waiting to talk to you. After all, you had humiliated the Malfoy heir in front of his already disgraced parents, his aunt, and the rest of the Death Eaters but most importantly in front of Voldemort himself.

You were the one who had sequestered Professor Burbage before the attack at Hogwarts; you had been the one that wrote her so called "resignation" from the school as well. It was in fact you, who had; in the eyes of the Dark Lord, proven yourself worthy and have been brandished with the dark mark. It ached from time to time but your uncle Severus had told you that you would get used to it. Speaking of which, you weren't going to see him for at least a couple of days, you've barely spoke after dinner let alone made eye contact with each other. All that your uncle had said to you before he had departed was for you to stay with the Malfoys until his return and that you were to be on your best behavior. 'Best behavior my arse...' you thought to yourself.

However, that had been two hours ago, now that the chaperones were away...

"It isn't proper to stalk your guests back to their room, Malfoy." You smirked after Draco had been at arm's reach and you're pressing him hard against the wall.

Draco glares at you, bright gray eyes shining with the arrogance of a Malfoy as well as the defiance of one who would not be dominated in his own home.

"You made a fool of me, __________," he hisses your name to which you merely chuckle and cups the bottom of that pointed chin.

"Trust me Draco, you don't need my help to make you look like a fool." you then pushed yourself away from the other young man and continued your way into your room. Again Draco stops you by pushing you aside.

You roll your (y/c) eyes and tsked under your breath, looking over at the blond you could see that Draco already had his wand out, "You honestly want to do this right here, right now?"

"Don't," Draco sneered, his eyes still on you, "patronize me."

"You do realize that you're going to lose."

"Shouldn't be a problem if you're that confident I'll lose unless of course you're stalling,"

You had to laugh of course, this really was ridiculous... that is until you release your wand from its latch under your left sleeve and shot a nonverbal stunning spell at Draco, who had seconds to deflect it... which of course Draco did with a well-placed shield charm.

"Impressive, I would have thought it was going to hit you, I should work on my speed a bit more."


You once again performed a nonverbal disarming charm which causes Draco's wand to fly into the air allowing you to grab it, "Got your wand now what are you going to do?" you smirk arrogantly and waved the wand triumphantly in your hand.

"Give it back," the blond boy seethed to which you snort unimpressed while pocketing your own wand back under your sleeve, "I'm not handing it over just like that, but you can win it back if you really want to."

"Of course I want to, now give. It. Back!"

"Not. That. Simple," you retort making Draco's cheeks flush an impressive pink.

"How do you do that?"


"You act as though you don't care, but I know you do."

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