Chapter 2

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I felt my shoulder being tapped by a hand lightly and woke up with a start pulling the hand back. I heard a painful grunt and I realized it was Mr. Kim.

"Ah. Sorry!" I apologized quickly.

"Come on, it's time to meet your older brother." He chuckled light heartedly while holding a hand out for me to grab.

"Brother?" I questioned grabbing my trash bag and ignoring his outstretched hand. He cleared his throat and nodded, leading me into a lobby then onto an elevator.

Top floor?

"Yes your brother. He's older than you by a few months. You will be staying in his condo for the time being." Mr. Kim explained cheerfully.

"Stay with him? Why?" I questioned.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions." He commented slyly. I let out a growl in irritation.

"Oh..well he will be starting high school with you. We made sure that you will have every class with him. He will be joining the fashion department." Mr. Kim stopped in front of the door and rang the doorbell.

*Now speaking Korean*

The door swung open and a man taller than me smiled and gestured for us to go inside. I stepped inside the condo and looked around in awe. It was fucking huge. I quickly took my shoes off and looked around engrossed to move from where you stood.

"Uh...Miss L/N, why don't we greet your brother hmm?" Mr. Kim chuckled softly. I felt my face heat up and cleared my throat walking to where they were.

"As you already know, this is your new younger sister y/n l/n. She will be staying with you until we find somewhere else for her to stay. She will also attend all classes that you're in." Mr. Kim politely introduced me.

"Your brother's name is Jay Hong and he is the heir to the company. Have fun!" Mr. Kim swiftly made his way towards the exit. Once he left it was just Jay and I standing awkwardly. Jay easily towered over me although I wasn't intimidated. He had long bleached bangs and a muscular frame. Must work out.

"You can call me n/n if you want. And yes I speak English and Korean. I also speak Spanish to. Now can you show me where my room is? I'm exhausted." I said bluntly. He nodded and gestured for me to follow him.

When I opened the door to my room I saw the bed in front of me and smiled. I turned around and quickly thanked Jay and slammed the door.

I threw myself on my bed and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up it was 8 in the morning. I stretched while yawning and decided to check out my room. So I have a walk-in closet, a vanity, and a big ass bathroom with a city view but there's also a remote that makes it where I can see out the window but people can't see in.


I turned to the mirror and cringed. Jeez I look like shit. My curly hair is flat on one side from sleeping and just knotted up in general. This definitely won't do.

Third POV

You walk back into the main room where your bed is and grab all of the hair products and other stuff for the bathroom. Once you unpacked all of your stuff in the bathroom, you did the same with your very few clothes and items.

"I should go take a shower." You sighed while sniffing yourself. Since the bathtub and bowed are separate you grabbed a towel and then stepped into the shower. You turned the water on and was hit with cold water. You let out a yelp and switch it to a warmer setting.

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