I don't work well under pressure

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Right so I'm going to try and a scene from the 'open heart series'. I don't own any of the characters and I'm going to put my own twist on it so it's not a complete copy, I hope you enjoy. If anyone has    seen open heart hopefully you will get this scene.
I've recently started working in a children's care home as I've always wanted to work with younger years like my great grandma, but unfortunately I have to start slow and work myself up, that means having a mentor to look after me and make sure I'm doing everything correctly. His name is Mena, he runs the whole young trainees. There are around 6 of us including one of my best friends from school (y/f/n), they have always stood by me and we do everything together. One problem with Mena is that he thinks he's the best, and is really popular and attractive, with everyone working in the care home as well as the trainees and always seems to pick on my friend and I and make complete fools of ourselves, for example last week.....

My friend and I were paired up and told to go around and make sure all residents are happy and comfortable, well being the good person we were we made sure everyone was ok, however as the last few people we were attending to small things seem to go wrong, like equipment missing and random notices that distressed the residents. By the time we got back everyone had left and we were faced with an angry Mena which spend 10 minutes lecturing us about how to do our job correctly.

But yet again something happened today and we got the blame, so were sitting in the little cafe talking about random things when one of our group decided to spill their lunch all over me, screaming I stand up and lash out of the guy who was standing there smirking, by the time Mena arrived the guy put on a whole different face and made it look like I stuck my leg out and he tripped on me. Again Mena was sitting in an eye shot view and probably saw everything and still had to shout and blame me in front of everyone.

After being publicly humiliated I ran off with y/f/n and sat in the loos for 20 minutes as I was crying. "Why does life have to do this to me, the one guy who I've fallen in love with hate my guts" I explain while sitting on the floor.
" I know, it sucks" y/f/n replies rubbing my back. I compose myself and walk out and back to helping around the unit. After a while of helping people an alarm goes off, warning for a tornado, everyone rushes in room and locked the doors to make sure they are safe unfortunately I didn't see a certain Mena run into the same room as y/f/n wasn't with you. Quickly running into the room and locking the door I look around and see Mena sitting on the floor his facial expressions changing as he looks up and see you, huffing he looks away and continues to ride out the alarm warning. I decide to sit the other side of the room and massage y/f/n to see where about they are
Y/n: where are you? X
Y/f/n: south block with a resident, you? X
Y/n: north x
Y/f/n: with anyone? x
Y/n: only my favourite human being.... x
Y/f/n: no way, how is it? x
Y/n: awkward as hell, we are sitting opposite ends of the room, ttyl love ya x
Y/f/n: ok and have fun, oh and ly2 x
A couple minutes pass and the alarm has got louder, as you were sitting there the ceiling began to fall, I quickly get up and run towards a scared Mena and sit next to him subconsciously hugging onto his arm. We look at each other and I immediately move away. After a couple of hours stuck in the room after half the ceiling collapsed I was starting to freak out.
"I don't wanna die, at least in this situation, what is y/f/n is dead or trapped and doesn't make it, how am I going to tell Mena I'm hopelessly in love with him" I mumble totally forgetting that he is sitting next to me. Next minute I know Mena had moved closer to me and pulled me into a kiss, I instantly move away, "what the hell, Mena" I say.
Mena looks away embarrassed and I suddenly realise what's happened he must of heard me, pancaking I look at him and pull him into another kiss which he accepts. We sit there for a moment or two then the door opens and we are let out, I go straight to find y/f/n and tell them exactly what happened, after us having a little scream and jump for joy we find the others and meet up, when we all arrive we see a very embarrassed looking Mena and stand there snickering, he tries to explain what's happened but ends up sending us away, y/f/n and I laughing as we walk around making sure everyone else is good.
Let's just say after that, my life around the home was bearable and no more shouting form Mena.
I hope you enjoyed and tbh I kinda had an idea about this and after watching the series on YouTube it gave me some more motivation and inspiration to follow through, I know it does sound a bit similar but I tried my best to change it up. Make sure to go watch, as would recommend. Also thank you for all the support for the book, I love you all, please if you want any requests message me as I'm more than happy and I'll see you soon.

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