New Pet

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You and Mena have been dating for around 2 years now, we moved in together around 6 months ago and its going great. Our 3 year anniversary is coming up, tomorrow, and Mena has said we are staying in and he is cooking me a meal and has a surprise for me. You see I've always wanted a dog but our landowner won't allow animals around the site as others can be allergic, as well as me still not knowing what to get him. Mena is currently on set for his new movie Aladdin while I wanted to stay at home to try and figure out what to get him. I get ready to go out to try and find something.

Mena POV
Y/n and I have been dating for around 2 years now and our 3 year is tomorrow and I have the best present for her, a little puppy (favourite breed). I managed to talk to the land owner and managed to get permission to get a dog in our apartment. So I'm at the set filming some scenes before going to the animal rescue center and picking up the puppy for y/n. Around 4pm I finish on set and message y/n to say I'm on my way home. I say my quick goodbyes and get into the car and drive to center, I pick up the dog and the equipment, y/f/c collar and dog food and treats. I quickly go to the supermarket and grab the sufficient ingredients for y/n's favorite meal. Checking the time a quickly pay and drive home with the dog in the passenger seat. We get home and bring the dog upstairs and quickly hide it into the room. I then go and get the meal ready while y/n is in our shared room, while everything is heating up I run upstairs and say hello to y/n. Y/n runs up to me and gives me a big hug and kiss.

I tell y/n to stay there and be ready by 8 while I cook and get ready. After an couple of hours I finally finish making our dinner and set up a table with candles and a bouquet of flowers in their place. Running into the spare room I give the unnamed dog some food and put the collar on. I get changed and call y/n down.

After Mena gets home he tells me to stay upstairs and get ready so I go for a shower and dry my hair, I curl it and put on a nice blue dress as well as makeup which matches my dress and wait until 8pm. Just as I was going to go downstairs Mena calls me and I slowly go downstairs, I am met with a darkened room with candles everywhere and a bouquet of flowers sitting in my place. My eyes look around and meet with Mena, he is standing there in a suit and look absolutely handsome. He walks towards me and kisses me, then pulling my chair out for me. I sit there and wait for Mena to come back a just take in the scenery of the beautifully lit up room , spacing out for a bit I come back to reality when Mena places my favourite in front of me. I tuck in and eat the food in front of me and wait for Mena to finish, not without staring at him. We both finish and put the plates away, I grab my present for him and go sit on the sofa.

I gave him my present first, in the end I got a photo of us on our first date and framed it, cliche I know. When he opened it he couldn't stop smiling and littering my face with kisses. I smile back at him and laugh. Mena then gets up and walks over to the spare room, I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to come back when I hear him say go on buddy, next minute a small puppy runs towards me and jumps on me and starts licking my face. OMG. OMG. OMG.

"A puppy!" I scream. Mena just walks over and admires the scene that is unfolding in front of him. He smiles and walks towards me also smiling. He sits next to me, I insantly start to hug him and give him kisses.
"How?" you ask.
"Well, I asked our landowner if we could have an animal in our apartment and after some negotiation I managed to change his mind" he says grinning from ear to ear. I give him anther hug.
"You know the little fella doesn't have a name?" he says
"well I was thinking something like Abu because its unique and he could be your sidekick" you chuckled.
"I love it!" he say and gives me another kiss. Mena turns to Abu and says "How does that sound Abu, huh". He replies by licking his face. I smile at them and pull Mena into a hug.
"Thankyou Mena, I love you so much and happy anniversary" I say.
We end up staying on the sofa all night playing and laughing with Abu.


I hope you enjoyed this story, if you have any requests please private message me and I will try to write it. See you soon.

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