'Sorry, I left your present at my house.'

'It's ok.' I beamed, 'I already know it's candy.'

Elphie looked surprised, 'but-'

I laughed, 'you still underestimate me after all these years?' Taking a sip of my wine, I said, 'legilemancy.'

Elphie rolled his eyes, 'Why can't you be patience Al? It's fun to have surprises.'

I sighed, 'whats the fun in it? I'm going to find out anyway.' I pouted, 'but out of respect for my amazing boyfriend, I'm not going to spoil whatever he's planning for me back at home.'

'Oh, you know?' Elphie asked

'Well I don't know what's happening but it's not everyday Gellert actually sends me away.' I giggled.

Elphie laughed, 'Yes, your boyfriend seems very protective of you Al, he's a keeper.'

Blushing, I responded, 'y-you think so?'

'I doubt anyone else would care enough to go to the trouble of doing anything, you know he hates Aberforth.' Elphie took a sip of beer.

'Oh Merlin, I hadn't thought about him.' I realised Aberforth must be making life very hard for Gellert.

'Then come on! It's time to go and put him out of his misery.'

We finished our drinks before making our way back to Godric's Hollow. Anticipation pulled me towards my house and I tried so hard not to swing open the door. Elphias knocked and opened the door for me. Coming into the familiar hallway, it was dead quiet.....but there was a distinct aroma of candy. I could smell it from anywhere. All of a sudden, Gellert apparated in front of me holding a bouquet of Lily's, Roses and Poppy's.

He smiled, 'happy birthday.'

I grinned, 'They're really beautiful Gellert!'

'Beautiful flowers for a beautiful boy.' He winked.

There came a grunt of disapproval  from behind the sofa, Gellert turned around in annoyance.

'Didn't know sofas could fucking talk.' He spat, looking back at me with a loving smile.

Bathilda, Ariana and Aberforth appeared from behind the sofa.

'Happy birthday Albus!' Balthilda came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before going to rest in the armchair.

Ariana held up a rose, 'Happy birthday Albus.' She said with no emotion but I could tell it was trying to get out.

I took the flower and looked over at my very grumpy looking brother, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, 'Happy birthday Albus.' He muttered.

Gellert cleared his throat and Aberforth just looked at him, I saw Gellert reach for his wand but Abe then strode off to the kitchen. Probably to fetch whatever smells delicious. The walls were decorated with pretty handmade things such as flowers, beads, paper chains etc.
My eyes lit up when I saw the amazing cake that Aberforth laid on the dining room table. It was dripping with Sherbet Lemons and had cockroach clusters stuck to the side as if they were climbing it. I was excited it was white chocolate, the sweetest one of them all. The chocolate frog that sat in the middle looked amazing too.

I pulled Gellert into a hug, 'everything is so perfect! Thankyou!'

Aberforth huffed, 'Sorry, did your bloody boyfriend bake this sickly cake?'

I chuckled, 'Did you want a hug Abe?'

He looked rather taken back, 'Oh uhhh n-no.'

I beamed as I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, 'Thankyou for the cake Aberforth.'

It was Gellerts turn to roll his eyes, 'I actually ASKED him to make it.'

'Can you two not fight for one day!' I teased, taking a huge slice of the cake and putting in on my plate. It looked as if one spoonful of it would make me throw up. I loved it.

Aberforth took the rest of the cake

'HEY!' I protested

'If you eat more you'll be sick.' He grumbled, taking the cake away from me.

As I ate the cake Gellert pulled out a small package, 'It's your present.'

I almost chocked on cake before replying, 'Gellert! This is enough!'

He shook his head, 'open it.'

I tore off the wrapping paper to see a beautiful charm of the Deathly Hallows on black string as a necklace. Where the circle of it should be there was a diamond.

'Gellert...merlins bears how-'

'Do you like it?' He asked, smirking.

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, 'I love it, I love all of it and I love you.'

Hope you enjoy this, it's quite long so ye, but Happy birthday to me! 🥳

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