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[Y/N] and Genma walked into the jonin stand-by station, hand in hand. After last night, she confessed back to him and they decided to give dating a try. Genma was over the moon that she felt the same way he did. When he falls for someone, he falls hard and he just could not get her out of his head. He had wanted to tell her so many times before but was nervous that she may just reject him and end their FWB situation, or worse, their entire friendship. But when he heard her confess back to him, head laying on his chest as he played with her hair, he was certain the smile on his face stayed there even after they'd fallen asleep. It was the first time anyone had really made him feel that way and he was ecstatic.

[Y/N] wanted to meet with her brother alone and tell him. She had a feeling that it was going to be rough, given the way they'd started dating and Asuma's reaction to that. Genma, on the other hand, wanted to go together and just tell everyone at once. He didn't see the point in hiding it and wanted everyone to know she was his. When she'd groaned and asked him to reconsider, he laughed and put his hands on her waist, looking down at her. "Hey, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Gen, I don't know. I really think Asuma is going to flip the hell out. I mean, we just got onto okay terms and... Yeah, he's probably going to kill you."

"So let him flip the hell out. I don't care," He reached up with one hand to caress her cheek, "Baby, I've not felt this way for anyone in, well, ever. So not your brother or father or anyone else is gonna make me change my mind. You're mine now and I want everyone to know it."

Much to her dismay, Genma's sweet little speech had worked on her and she agreed to do it his way. And so here they were, standing in front of everyone, holding hands. The first person to notice was Kotetsu, who immediately grinned and pointed at them, "You two! Look at you two!" Which of course made everyone else turn and look at them too. Izumo and Kotetsu exchanged cheeky glances, Kurenai grinned to herself, Kakashi stared over his book at their intertwined hands, Iruka gaped like a fish at the pair, and Asuma clenched his jaw and his eyes flicked between their faces and their hands.

Asuma took a deep breath, stood up, and walked toward them. "Can I talk to you two, outside?"

[Y/N] nodded and Genma flicked his senbon around between his teeth, following her as she turned and went back out the door. When they were all three outside, Asuma turned to them calmly. "I'm really trying to told my tongue here, [Y/N], because I want us to be on good terms and I want you to trust me again. But what the hell is this?"

She took a deep breath. "Look, Genma and I have decided that we're gonna try dating for a while and see where it goes."

"Dating?" Asuma turned to Genma. "Isn't my sister a bit young for you?"

Genma looked back at him lazily, shrugging and chewing on the end of his senbon. "Age doesn't bother me."

"Yeah, clearly."

[Y/N] groaned. "Asuma please, be civil. Look, at the end of the day, this is really between me and him. You don't get a say here. So I would really appreciate it if you would just suck it up and at least pretend to be okay with this. I mean I really like him Asuma, please?"

And there it was. The face. The one she knew would get her way with him. It worked every single time.

Asuma sighed and rubbed his hand down his face. "Ugh, you're going to be the death of me... Fine. I don't like it but I'll try to be civil, for you. And Genma, if you hurt her, I will kill you."

[Y/N] hugged her brother tightly. "Thanks Asuma. I love you."

And he stood in shock. It was the first time she'd willing hugged him first. The first time she told him she loved him again. He couldn't help the smile that spread on his face as he hugged her back, happy to finally have his sister back. If it was Genma that made her happy, then so be it. He could learn to live with it.

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