Leaving behind

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Saying which he left from there while Swara followed Sanskar.

Swara: Sanskar stop! (Hearing which he smiled and signaled Uttara to go and sit in the car without turning back, for which Uttara obliged)

Swara came and gestured Rajat to drop Uttara at her home and she stood in front of him and looked straight into his eyes slowly moving forward, she surrounded her hands on his neck and Sanskar found his way to her waist. Without thinking much, she slammed her lips on his pouring all her love for which Sanskar responded too. After around five minutes, they broke being out of breath. Joining their foreheads,

Swara: Sanskar, to take away your powers, I need to drink your blood for exactly 120 seconds.

Sanskar: okay.

Swara: but then the problem is once a vampire gets in touch with the human blood, it will stop only after drinking the whole blood in the body. (She says this slowly tightening her grip in fear of losing him)

Sanskar: no problem Swara. Let's give it a try.

Swara: no not now, we will do it when there are people at least they would pull me back right? (She said this moving away from Sanskar)

Sanskar pulling her towards him: I trust you Swara. Till now no one had left anything for me...but you left your territory, your family and whatnot. (Cupping her face) come on we can do this.

Swara nodding lightly, pecked his lips and was about to bite but she stopped: wait, let me put a reminder for two minutes and when it rings you are going to stop me somehow, you would right? (She asked tears rolling down her eyes)

Wiping her tears, he agreed with a smile. Giving one last glance, she proceeded...that two minutes seemed like ages for Sanskar and he started feeling weak. Though the phone buzzed reminding them, Swara was not in her senses and she continued sucking blood. Gaining strength, Sanskar pinched her waist harder for which she gasped and taking it as a chance he kissed her by rubbing her back, and slowly she got her senses but this time Sanskar fell down being weak.

Swara held him and took him to a hospital and called the doctor immediately saying it to be an emergency. She was all worried and tears never left her eyes as the doctor was checking him.

Doctor looking at his eyes: Oh my god, he doesn't have enough blood. We need to inject blood platelets immediately. Nurse check his blood group.

Hearing which Swara slapped her head: Swara, Swara Swara...what did you do? Can't you control yourself? I just wish Sanskar would be fine soon. Oh god, why did I listen to him...I should have been more careful.

She was sitting outside the emergency ward while the nurses and doctors were moving in and out of the room making her more worried. After an hour or so,

Doctor: he is lucky, we got a donor and the blood group too matched. Please deposit the money and I will let you know as soon as he gains conscious.

Swara nods her head in yes not finding words. After finishing the formalities, she went in and sat beside Sanskar ruffling his hair and slowly he opened his eyes and smiled. Looking at him Swara: I am sorry Sanskar, I never wanted to give you pain.

Instantly Sanskar: I love you.

Hearing it Swara hugged him and said "I love you too" kissing on his cheek. Sanskar too hugged her back.

When Sanskar got fine, Swara left to her territory and got cured to become a human permanently and came back to marry Sanskar. One fine day, as our beautiful couple was walking in the lawn hand in hand.

Swara: Sanskar, when did you start liking me? I tho liked you after knowing about Suraksha home. That is when I got to know your sweet heart. 

Sanskar pecked her cheeks: I never thought I would like a girl this much after seeing Ragini but then how can I say no to a vampire Swara, (acting scared) I didn't have so much courage.

Hearing which Swara: you... (And she started chasing Sanskar while all this is watched by Sujatha from her room's window and she was wiping her happy tears)

Sujatha: Thank god for sending Swara into his life. She is the only one who got my old Sanskar back. I wish they must be like this forever. (Kisiki nazar na lage)

"They will be mom and keep watching no sooner the house will be filled with the laughter of little kids, don't worry", came Laksh and hugged her.

Screen freezes on the happy faces of Laksh and Sujatha as well as laughing faces of Swara and Sanskar.


So, here I end this story. Oh my god, it is very tough writing about vampires whom I don't know a bit. I understand that I messed up everything.

Do ask me If I left anything unexplained?

Share your review on this story as most probably this would be the last story I am writing in wattpad. There is no epilogue. Please don't ask for it.

I am gonna miss you all a lot.


With love,

yours Praahi


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