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I wrote this part watching the match, so please let me know if you found any mistakes.


In Maheshwari Industries,

Sanskar is in his cabin working on his laptop when Alok knocks the door.

Sanskar: Come in.

Alok: Good morning sir.

Sanskar nods his head and Alok continued: Daniels signed the deal sir as now there are no Malhotra's to oppose, and the inspector called me that they have traced the man who attacked you in Uttara mam's college, he will be here by evening.

Sanskar looked up and said: good.

Alok: One more thing sir, we have been torturing Mrs. Ragini Kashyup since 5 years. What you want us to do with her? I mean there must be an end to it somewhere.

Sanskar getting up from his chair and moving towards the window: Do whatever possible to make her life miserable but don't let her die. I want her to repent for each and every pain she gave to my friend. Give her the hope to live but then kill it the next moment. One fine day, when this fire of revenge washes away, I would give her permanent freedom from this world.

Alok: Okay sir. (Saying which Alok takes leave from there)

Looking out, Sanskar went back in time.


Two boys were watching cricket.

Boy1: Now this is going to be a six for sure.

Boy2: No Lucky, he hit the ball too high, I feel it would be a catch.

As the second boy said, the batsman is out and had to make his way to the Pavilion.

Lucky switching off the Tv: I don't like to watch matches after Sachin is out, Let's go for a walk Sanskar.

They both went out and had called their friends too to join them in a cafe. As all of them were having tea and biscuits, Lucky gets a call. As he answered, everyone, could hear a female voice from the other side saying "Mr. Laksh Kashyup..." and they understood from whom the call is.

Lucky: Ragini's calling bro. She wants me to take her to shopping. You know right the wedding date is coming near. So, please excuse me.

As his friends teased, he went out of the cafe and then to his house. Taking his car, he went to pick up his love cum fiance Ragini. Everything went well and they both got hitched for the lifetime. Lucky was very happy that he got his love and thought they would live happily together, least did he knew that he had married a chameleon who could change colors very rapidly. Sanskar too was happy for his friend as he too never thought that this lady would take his friend away from him. 

As days passed by Ragini started showing her true colors, she took control of Kashyap's mansion as well as Industries trying to put Laksh under her control. One such day when Sanskar came home and they were all having some nice time together, one of their friends came home asking for help, "Lucky, I need your help bro. My mom is admitted in the hospital and I need to deposit to two lakhs but I am having only Rs. 50,000, please help me. I will repay you as soon as possible."

Lucky was looking helplessly at Ragini and as she left from there into a room, he followed her. Sanskar and his friend were sitting there being confused until they heard voices from inside.

Lucky: Ragu, please till now I have never sent anyone empty-handed who came to me asking for help. Don't let me down now.

Ragini: You and your useless friends. I am not wasting one rupee on them. Do whatever you want?

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