Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Alexis' POV*

Ugh! I hate Fridays! Actually I hate every weekday now that I'm at this god forsaken school. Why did my father even want me to enrol here I was perfectly fine at home but then again I suppose it's something to do with mother dearest. 

"Lexi? Are you alright you seem upset." Anna asked concerned forgetting about her salad she was just eating.

I looked up to see her looking at me with worry etched into her facial features, I just smiled reassuringly at her hoping it would work. 

"I'm fine just tired." I smiled tiredly. 

"Are you sure? I mean you all of a sudden started to glare as your fists clenched tight" She stated placing her soft hand over my clenched one causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. 

"No honestly I'm fine I just feel extremely tired is all, you know it's probably because I haven't been getting much sleep." I reassured. 

Damn! I didn't mean to say that now she going to be even more worried. God I'm such an idiot, she doesn't need someone worrying her all the time. 

"Really? Maybe you should go see a doctor or something. You know because I don't want you getting ill again." She said sternly.

She didn't want me getting ill? What about her? She really scared me when she fell ill a couple of weeks ago. 

"Yeah well there's no need to be worrying about me, you just make sure you keep healthy. You really scared me last time you fell ill" I said in all honestly placing my other hand over hers. 

She smiled warmly at me making me get those damn butterflies in my stomach again, why did she always have this effect on me? The butterflies had started to get worse ever since that night when she kissed my jaw and I will never understand why it happens. 

"So are you busy later? Cause Maya's going out with her newest boy toy and I don't really want to spend the night alone" Anna asked suddenly as she blushed. 

"Why don't you ask your new boyfriend?" I asked a little more coldly then I intended it to be. 

She seemed to have missed the coldness of my voice as she replied with a blush still on her face, "Because he's a guy." She states. 

"So?" I asked taking a bite of my untouched burger. 

She blushed even deeper "Well you know.... It'd.... It'd be w-weird." She stuttered outgoing an even deeper shade of red.

"Aw! You’re so innocent" I cooed pinching her cheeks. 

She swatted my hands away from her cheeks as she huffed and pouted, "Fine then don't come." 

"I didn't say that I wasn't coming." I answered smugly. 

"Well now I don't want you to come over anymore." She huffed turning away and crossing her arms under her chest at the same. 

I tried ever so hard not to but my eyes travelled down to her chest area where her tight fitting navy blue V neck shirt was clung to her chest and with her arms folded it made her chest look even bigger. Wait! What the heck am I doing? I need to distract myself. 

"Fine then you can just be alone." I smirked. 

She turned back as her gorgeous dark eyes met my own, "Well I don't have to anymore, like you ever so kindly suggested I can just call Will I'm sure he'll come round if I ask him nicely." 

My eyes narrowed at her, "I can come round if you want Anna I don't mind it, I have nothing to do anyway." I shrugged acting nonchalant. 

She smirked, "I don't know Will is very nice company to keep since he doesn't tease me."

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