Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Anna's POV*

"Miss Pierce, would you please be so kind and not sleep during my lesson! I already have Maya Laune sleeping during my lesson I do not need you as well!" Ms Lagin screeched making me jump awake.

"Sorry Ma'am it won't happen again." I mumbled quietly as I heard the chuckles from around me.

"I should hope not!" She huffed as she made her way over to Maya and began screeching at her.

Jeez, I now see why Maya hates her so much with the constant bitchy attitude.

"I tried to wake you before but you were out cold." Her voice chuckled into my ear making me shiver.

I turned my head towards the blonde haired beauty to see she was wearing an amused grin on her face a she stared at me intently. I pouted; it wasn't that funny I'm just really tired.

Anyways it's her fault she was the one who kept me up most of the night.

Not like that you perverts we were just talking that's all! Though I really did want to question her on the comment she made about her feelings towards me... but I guess I was just too shy as always.

"Don't pout at me! I didn't do anything wrong." She chuckled quietly.

"Don't laugh at me Alexis! It's not my fault you kept me up half the night! A woman needs her beauty sleep" I said in a harsh whisper.

She only chuckled again and shook her head, "You definitely don't, and you're already perfect enough as it is."

See! This was what I was talking about, it was her comments like these that would make me blush and question why she would say those kinds of things...

"Just shh you." I mumbled not being able to think of a better come back.

She didn't reply but only laughed as she began to pay attention to the teacher as she ranted on about things I couldn't concentrate on at this moment in time.

I couldn't figure out why, but ever since last night I have been feeling this strange pull towards Alexis. It's like I can't stand to be away from her long, I get uncomfortable when we aren't within contact of one another and I can't help but stare into those unique bright eyes of hers that entice me with every look.

I just haven't been paying attention to anyone around me at all since I woke up this morning, it's like she is controlling my life without even knowing it and its driving me to a point of insanity. I just don't understand what is wrong, though for some reason it doesn't feel wrong...

"Anna!" Her voice called snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I asked in a daze.

"It's time for our next lesson," She chuckled, "Where have you been?" She jokingly asked.

I laughed, "Oh... I just got caught up in my own little word."

"Well c'mon we don't have all day, grab your things and let's go." She smiled.

"Oh right yeah!" I chuckled as I shoved my things into my bag and stood up.

"Are you okay Anna? You seem a little far out today." She asked worriedly.

I stared into those eyes yet again getting caught up in the strikingly odd yet beautiful colour that belonged to such a strikingly beautiful girl. I remember I used to get freaked out whenever I used to think about those things about a girl but I didn't care anymore it was the truth and I've decided to face that I maybe kind of like Alexis.

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