The End

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"Y/N! Dear! Wake up, come on. WAKE UP!."
I look up with heavy eye lids to see my Father's smiling face.
"Whats wrong?"
"We are going to have Family breakfast before you leave for school today! Hurry and get ready sweetie."
As he walks out, I slowly drag myself off into the bathroom to fix myself for the day ahead.
When I finished I grab my bag with phone and hurringly walked into the kitchen.
"Morning Sis."
I sat myself next to Johnny grabbing a plate and filling it with food.
"Y/n dear, how does it feel to know you'll be married soon? And to such a cute boy at that?!" My step-mother asks.
"Im still very shocked about it.."
"Of course, we understand dear. But image! Your going to be in great hands with this boy." My father stated.
"I think you and Felix will be better off together." Johnny adds.
I started to eat my food quickly and ignore everything everyone was saying.
"My little girl is growing up." My father says sniffling.
"Johnny are you ready to leave yet?"
"Y/n dear Johnny isn't dropping you off at school today." My father says.
"Wait, than who is. I just cant walk!?"
"Felix is picking you up this morning."
"Felix!? When!?"
"He should be here any moment now." My step-mother says.
"Alrighty you have fun with your boyfriend kiddo. See you later." Johnny says waving me off, leaving me to defend myself. Is he seriously okay with this!?
"Well finish up and wait outside for him dear." Father says picking up his plate and walking into the kitchen. What is happening!? Is my world just destined to be in chaos? Soon I finished my plate. I slowly get up and drag myself into the kitchen to place my dirty dishes in the sink.
Staring at the sink I hear my phone loudly vibrate on the table. Looking over across at the screen I can see Felix's name and a text message from him:

Im Here :)

Sighing I grab my things and head outside to Felix's car. As soon as I walk up to open the door he turns down his music and smiles at me.
"Good morning Babe."
"Morning." I slide into the passenger seat and slowly buckle myself in. He chuckles and starts to drive off. Throughout the whole ride I tried to avoid eye contact. So, I simply stared at the window clutching my phone and bag nervously.
When he drives up to park the Car at the school, he parks by Jaehyun and Johnny lightly smirking. He than turns off his car and winks at me before getting out. Rolling my eyes, I get out as well slowly walking with Felix.
"Yo Felix, how are you?" Johnny asks leaning on his car with Jaehyun.
"Im good.." He looks at me and grabs my hand holding it, " By the way, Wheres Chenle?"
"Running around with Jisung probably." Jaehyun states.
"Figures. I guess I should walk y/n to class before first bell rings. See ya."
"You do that, take care." Johnny says.
With that being said, Felix walks me over to the gate tightly holding my hand.
"You don't have to always hold my hand."
"But I want too. Because I dont want to loose you. Your my responsibly now."
Quickly I look around for Mark. As I do so, I felt a sick feeling tug at the pit of my stomach.
"Y/n. Hes not here yet. Dont worry okay. You got me, that jerk isn't going to ruin your life. "
Walking farther into the campus, Chenle's loud voice calls to us.
"Chenle!" I smile seeing him. Oh great someone sane!
"Uh, woah..Um.." he looks at us confused.
"So you see, We are dating now." Felix states smiling.
"DATING!?" Jisung exclaims beside Chenle.
"Woah. So. Let me get this straight. THIS is a thing. But When!?" Chenle says very annoyed.
"Apparently, we are now engaged too.." I say.
"oh, oH, OH. You mean the thing the witch was talking about !? The boy was Felix!?" Chenle exclaimed.
"Yes. Isn't it great!" Felix says fake smiling than looking to me innocently.
"Sure it is.." Chenle says sarcastically.

"Im so happy your mine.." He touches my cheek and kisses my lips.
"Oh god I can't look." Jisung covers his eyes.
"Anyway what have you two been up to?" Felix asks.

They don't answer. Instead both of there eyes just grow wide looking behind us.
"Chenle? Jisung? Whats wrong?"
Before I could turn around to look at what they were staring at, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. Following arms, I felt a warm shot of air hit my neck followed by a soft kiss.
"Y/n, Babe, What are you doing over here. I missed you."
Chenle's jaw drops, a light chuckle escapes Marks mouth as he gives another soft kiss to my neck.
"What the hell are you doing!?" Felix asks.
"Im talking to my girlfriend, duh. What are you doing Felix?" Mark says glaring at him.
"You have to be kidding me. Your really going to embarrass yourself agian just to have your way with y/n?!" Felix says.
"Maybe." He says holding me tighter. Felix looks to Chenle and Jisung.
"You guys are just going to stand there and let him do this!?'
"Yep." Chenle says
"Sounds about right." Jisung adds.
"You can leave Felix.." I say.
"What?" Felix exclaims.
"You really think Im stupid. Like I would want to be with you just so you could drop me in the end."
" This is crazy. Your all going to fucking regret this." Felix says angrily.
"Really? Do you no who my fathers is Felix? By the way, if you lay one more hand on y/n, I swear Im not going to hold back, I'll kill you."
"It doesn't change the fact we are still engaged with a contract, and Im practically her familys favorite, so think what you will. Your the fool."
The aussie boy scoffs and walks off cursing under his breath.
"Woah. You pissed him off.." Chenle says chuckling.
"I told you, I'd do something if he touched you.." Mark says kissing my cheek.
"As glad as I am that you saved me. We are in deep now.."
"What is he going to do tell Johnny?" Jisung says sarcastically.
"Yes, Than spread a couple of lies and twist it around on me. My relationship with Johnny will go down even further from here."
"If thats the case we have to figure out how to show him the recording. And quick." Chenle says.
"Wait, I got a better plan to make this go quicker." Mark states.
"So Jae's party infiltration plan is a no go now?" Jisung says.
"Lets here Mark out first.. Im waiting. What could possibly be better than my plan!?" Chenle exclaimed.
Mark smirks before he speaks,
"Its a serect."
"WHERES THE FUN IN THAT!? You can't just do that and not tell us!?"
"This isnt supposed to be fun. And I also think you should tell us! No secrets." I say.
"This plan will surely make him listen. If he keeps avoiding me like this, I think its better this way and quicker. You can't know about it, because you will give it away.." Mark says.

My Dilemma ~ Mark Lee FF ✔Where stories live. Discover now