Chapter 01: The Guardian

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*Hate not the one who speaks but look to them as a teacher. Listen to their words and figure out your own truth.*

[Chapter 1 of 5 of Introductions]

(Also before anything arises. This is among my MAIN storyline. This is a different Sevria)


**Crimson Fang capital city. Year 1901**

**3rd person pov**

Sevria stood upon the balcony of her room, seeming bored with the current conditions that she was in. She had gone to so many lengths of becoming such a powerful warrior but she wanted to see her mother again. A faint giggle escaped her lips as the spring breeze passed by. The clouds overhead were not abundant enough to cause rain but enough to allow brief shelter from the sun now and then.

The air was cool and gave off a feeling that the day would be pleasant for the first part but then begin to have a downpour later. This made Sevria chuckle as she remembered how nature could be. It was like people really. At first they begin with their mind set on one thing but then, they go on many, MANY side tangents. Always zipping from one thought to another as if their lives depended on being indecisive.

Except to those who had trouble with it normally as a mental deficiency which made her stop her chuckling as she remembered it was better to be respectful about them. She slightly cursed under her breath "Where the fuck is father at now?" She snarled almost through gritted teeth.

Today was to be the big day of which she would prove her noble family was the right ones to rule as head nobles. Having bested the tournament of warriors, laying her enemies low without killing them. And then in the end having won the royal bout, made her become the sought after daughter. Many noble families tried to have her assassinated while others, attempted to have her integrate into their families. Even attempted black mail.

But to those who attempted to black mail her she simply turned them away and managed to even cut the tongue out of one that did black mail her. That thought made her smirk of how shoe made that noblewoman pay. She didn't care if it was a woman or man. She'd cull them all the same even if it was a problem to them.

No sooner had she finished this train of thought had the door to her room opened to allow a messenger through, and she smiled. "(Y/n)!" The small human boy that had walked in nods his head with a nervous smile on his face. "G-Good day, Lady Sevria." That made her giggle again. "Just Sevria, what news? Is father finally done with his business among the other nobles?" As she asked this question she then went through the scenarios again, what her father might have done.

Though they all were pretty plausible as her 'father' was a man whom wanted nothing more than power and rarely if ever cared about being a real man. He would train sure, but never against those he could learn from. And he always ended up killing the 'lesser' trainers he called them. Even though they were just barely starting upon their days.

However she noticed the boy was having trouble starting. This made her worried now as she held Jackson's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "What has he done." She said in a dead serious tone which cut to the bone colder than ice. 

As she spoke the boy finally worked away his nervousness and spoke in a rush. "Yourfathertookyourmotherouttotheoutskirtsandexiledher!" At that Sevria simply looked at him and then looked past him as she clenched her hands shut tightly as the arrows came forth, she knew full well he couldn't be saved now. She then just pressed two fingers to her lips then to his forehead as the arrows came in and she did her best to minimalize it, the arrows pinging off her armor but one landed in the boys shoulder.

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