"But Micah is not why I'm here." Ryder stated while taking a seat on the couch. He grabbed the big bag of Cheetos that June had and started to eat them.

Malcolm never replied, he just took a seat beside his sister. He sat beside her wearing a white tee with some black sweats. A du-rag was tied around his head to keep his waves, wavy.

"You know that girl that was at my club the other day?" Ryder asked.

"It was a lot of bitches there..." Malcolm trailed off bluntly. He didn't know how to talk to women, which is why he called them bitches in front of his sister. June didn't seem bothered by it though.

"Damn..." Ryder cursed, trying to get his friend to remember. "You know the girl that works at your bar, with the short hair?"

Malcolm nodded his head yes and that caused June to look back up. She didn't like Jersey at all because she had tried to blurt out her brother's business in front of his customers.

"Don't tell me you like that scrawny, baldheaded bitch?" June cursed as she eyed Ryder. "What's her name-Jersey."

"Nah, I'm tryna get with her friend though. Her friend is fine as hell." Ryder explained. "Malcolm, I got a plan and I need you to be a part of it."

Malcolm raised his eyebrows and said, "The fuck are you talking about?"

"I'mma get Jersey's friend through her. She probably won't give me the girl's number, so I'mma throw out another plan and you got to be down for it."

Malcolm leaned over and said, "And what plan is that?"

"If she won't give me the girl's number, I'mma invite both of them out on date. The thing is-you got to take Jersey out."

Malcolm pulled back and leaned on his couch. He shook his head no and said, "I'm not doing that shit. The fuck I look like?"

"Come on man...It'll be just this one time." Ryder coaxed. "You don't even have to talk to her. Just go so I can meet her friend."

"That's a bad idea." June commented. "And why do you want to see her friend so bad? You like mutant-looking bitches?"

"Nah, these girls are not ugly." Ryder corrected June. "Stop being like that. You'll see soon...so Malcolm-you in or out?"

June rolled her eyes hard and darted her attention on her brother.

"I'm out."

"Why man, it's just a simple ass date. You take Jersey out so I can be with her friend. You might even get lucky and get some pussy from her."

"I don't want shit from her. I can easily get pussy from any other bitch. I'm not going along with your stupid ass plan. If you want the bitch so bad, just ask the girl for her friend's number while she's working at the bar."

June pursed her lips and that eventually turned into a grin.


"What are you doing?" Kelli asked Jersey.

"I'm off to hell, what does it looks like?" Jersey replied while fixing her hair. She sprayed her short, curly hair with some moisturizer and combed through it. Immediately, her curls formed into medium-sized spirals.

"I don't think you're capable of working today."

"I'm fine." Jersey stated seriously. All of a sudden, she started laughing. Weirdly, she had tears running down her face. "I'm so fucking stupid."

"You're not." Kelli objected.

"But I am." Jersey cried. "A twenty-two-year-old crackhead ends up working for a notorious businessman-indefinitely."

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