j.h.s- I Miss You

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Me and Hoseok have been best friends our whole lives. We been through our rough times and our good ones but now it will end in a rough one... Jung Hoseok was my everything or so I thought.

As I walked through the halls of my school looking for Hoseok to tell him how I feel. I loved him and it was killing me that I couldn't tell him now I followed my gut and made my way to him he looked at me in disgust why? I don't know either I try my best to ask him to come with me to the rooftop but more and more people fill the halls making me lose sight of him. I gave up and went to class as I entered and sat in my usual seat I saw him with another girl I was confused til I heard
"Hoseok please ditch Y/N she doesn't care about you." He looked at her and said
"I know and I am don't worry okay" he laughed and showed his smile that can heal your heart then he kissed her on the lips. Thats when I lost it he loved her and not me I was dumb and selfish to even think he would date me from that day forward I lived my life full of anxeity and fear til I met Min Yoongi who help me through everything. I was greatful to have met the one who loved me and made me feel loved. 3 years past Yoongi and I got married and Hoseok was there I never realized til I figured out that Hoseok was Yoongi's bandmate his best friend til I saw him starring at me with pure saddness but happiness as he saw me happy.

Time Skip

After the ceremony I saw Hoseok sitting alone lost in his thoughts I walked up to him and asked if he was alright and he said he misses me and was a jerk on how he treated me in highschool he hated himself but he was happy for me he saw Yoongi looking at us from a distance and he told her "Y/N im sorry for being a jerk I hate myself now but seeing you happy with Yoongi makes me happy please live a good life with him alright I love you as a friend of course" he smiled and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and told him he will find someone too he nodded and let me go.

Even though we may have a bad past we still made sure to be friends til the end.

Im sorry for not updating this story at all im trying to find inspiration on this story but its slowly fading away but Im still gonna try to at least work on it from time to time but im also sorry if this story was bad. Have a nice day everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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