Chapter 15

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                                                                   A Stallion And His Mare — Part II

The play was an open act of rebellion.

If it wasn't, Twilight would eat her crown.

Thunderous applause boomed through the theater, echoing off the gemstone spotlights shining down upon the cast and crew below. While the actors onstage plucked the crystal roses thrown their way and held them tightly in gratitude, Twilight stopped clapping.

While the play had delivered on its promise of entertainment, she had noted the obvious similarities to this and what awaited her in Canterlot. When she pushed aside what had honestly been a very entertaining tale, the intent was quite clear.

The names... The songs... The big twist at the end! It can't be coincidence!

In the front row, Cadence was standing tall on her hindhooves, her form towering over her citizens as she clapped furiously and called for an encore. She, Shining, and the others continued cheering, even as the actors exited the stage and the curtain fell once more.

Twilight's wings drooped as she sat back down in her seat. Of course it isn't a coincidence. Cadence said it herself earlier today; this has been brewing for a while. I bet this play was in the works from the moment Cadence became the Crystal Princess.

But why? Why now, after all this time? Is there some prophecy I'm unaware of? Some lore that might explain this sudden change in attitude? If so, that's news to me!

And if this attitude is widespread enough that nopony objects to this play—at least, not enough to have interrupted it or something, then—

"Twilight, everypony's going backstage."

She looked up to see Flash Sentry looking down at her. The buttons on his dress uniform glowed in the gemstone spotlights, but not as much as his eyes, which, although happy, were tinged with concern.

"Oh. Right." From the corner of her eye, Twilight could see Cadence and Shining leading the others backstage. "Let's not keep them waiting, huh?" she added with a sheepish chuckle.

Flash opened his mouth, then closed it. He stood aside, waiting as she moved to all fours again and began following after the group.

As before, Twilight and Flash brought up the rear of the pack. She followed the Royal Guard—Strong Command was his name?—directly in front of her through the auditorium and back up the stage.

On the way, Twilight noticed that most of the attendees were still in their seats, some of whom held notebooks or photographs. The actors here must be very popular. Despite... the ending, it was still a very good story. I won't deny that. I just...

Twilight dismissed those thoughts. No. I can worry about all of this later.

Her mind, of course, had other plans.

Right now, I should try and have some fun. I sure wasn't having any fun until the opening scene. But who could blame me? First, Cadence unleashes all of that on me, just like that, over what should have been a simple lunch! And then, we get back, and I get ready, and then I—

Twilight was grateful she ducked behind the red curtains after Strong Command at that very moment. The velvet masked her muzzle for a bit as she shook that particular thought out of her head.

N-nevermind that! It was involuntary! Just like what happened to him. Heh. Just the wings. Wings. Silly things. Ahahaha—oh dear Galaxia, am I laughing in my thoughts now? Get a grip, Twilight! Come back to—

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